The concept of takeover bid emerged in Italy in 1971, with the first offer promoted by Michele Sindona on the shares of Finanza Bastogi. Despite being a popular tool used in the US and UK since 1950, the discipline was still not regulated in Italy. The legislator made some attempts to rule the phenomenon, with very low success until the late 90s. The adoption of the Testo unico delle disposizioni in materia di intermediazione finanziaria (TUF) in 1998 was a big step forward in the regulation of the discipline and, with some modification during the years it is still in force. The European legislator has issued the important Directive 2004/25/EC aimed to harmonize the different regulations in Europe and create a level playing field for the companies. This document focuses on the takeover bid carried out by Intesa Sanpaolo on the shares of UBI Banca in 2020. Given the size of the two companies and the sector in which they are operating, this was one of the most relevant tender offers in Italy and of the biggest financial operation of the year on the Italian Stock Exchange. The documents issued by the two companies are reported and analysed with references to all the conditions expressed by ISP and the authorization that the Offeror had to obtain before the offer was valid. Intesa Sanpaolo offered 1,7000 of its own shares per each UBI Banca’s share tendered to the bid and few weeks before the end of the acceptance period, ISP added a cash component of €0,57 per UBI Banca’s share. The consideration offered is the core of the last chapter of the thesis. The shares’ value of the two companies is evaluated by using the Dividend Discount Model and its excess capital variant with the goal to assess the adequacy of the exchange ratio proposed by the Offeror. The results obtained from the application of the models return an interval in which the exchange ratio of 1,7000 falls, testifying the adequacy of the consideration.
La prima offerta pubblica in Italia è stata annunciata nel 1971, nonostante fosse uno strumento già diffuso negli Stati Uniti e nel Regno Unito fin dagli anni ‘50. Ad eccezione di deludenti tentativi negli anni ‘70-’90, una regolamentazione soddisfacente della disciplina nella giurisprudenza italiana è avvenuta solo a fine anni '90, con l'emanazione del Decreto Legislativo del 24 febbraio 1998, n. 58, comunemente chiamato TUF. Successivamente, il legislatore europeo ha emanato l'importante direttiva 2004/25/CE volta ad armonizzare le diverse normative degli Stati Membri e a creare un level playing field per quanto riguarda soprattutto le OPA transnazionali. La tesi si concentra sull'offerta pubblica di acquisto e di scambio effettuata da Intesa Sanpaolo sulle azioni di UBI Banca. Date le dimensioni delle due società e il settore in cui esse operano, questa offerta è stata considerata tra le più grandi operazioni finanziarie del 2020 su Piazza Affari. Intesa Sanpaolo ha offerto, come corrispettivo a ogni azione di UBI Banca portata in adesione 1,7000 delle proprie azioni. Inoltre, poche settimane prima della scadenza del periodo di adesione, l’Offerente ha aggiunto una componente in denaro pari a 0,57 euro per ogni azione UBI. Il terzo capitolo contiene una valutazione del corrispettivo offerto da Intesa Sanpaolo nel quale sono state analizzate le opinioni delle due società contenute documento di offerta e nel comunicato dell’emittente. Utilizzando il modello Dividend Discount Model e la sua variante excess capital ho calcolato il prezzo le azioni delle due società e determinato un range di valori all’interno del quale dovrebbe ricadere l’equo rapporto di concambio. Infine, ho confrontato il risultato ottenuto con il rapporto offerto da Intesa Sanpaolo a UBI Banca per verificarne la congruità.
Le offerte pubbliche di acquisto e di scambio: il caso Intesa Sanpaolo - UBI Banca
The concept of takeover bid emerged in Italy in 1971, with the first offer promoted by Michele Sindona on the shares of Finanza Bastogi. Despite being a popular tool used in the US and UK since 1950, the discipline was still not regulated in Italy. The legislator made some attempts to rule the phenomenon, with very low success until the late 90s. The adoption of the Testo unico delle disposizioni in materia di intermediazione finanziaria (TUF) in 1998 was a big step forward in the regulation of the discipline and, with some modification during the years it is still in force. The European legislator has issued the important Directive 2004/25/EC aimed to harmonize the different regulations in Europe and create a level playing field for the companies. This document focuses on the takeover bid carried out by Intesa Sanpaolo on the shares of UBI Banca in 2020. Given the size of the two companies and the sector in which they are operating, this was one of the most relevant tender offers in Italy and of the biggest financial operation of the year on the Italian Stock Exchange. The documents issued by the two companies are reported and analysed with references to all the conditions expressed by ISP and the authorization that the Offeror had to obtain before the offer was valid. Intesa Sanpaolo offered 1,7000 of its own shares per each UBI Banca’s share tendered to the bid and few weeks before the end of the acceptance period, ISP added a cash component of €0,57 per UBI Banca’s share. The consideration offered is the core of the last chapter of the thesis. The shares’ value of the two companies is evaluated by using the Dividend Discount Model and its excess capital variant with the goal to assess the adequacy of the exchange ratio proposed by the Offeror. The results obtained from the application of the models return an interval in which the exchange ratio of 1,7000 falls, testifying the adequacy of the consideration.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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