3D Printing has been considered like a disruptive technology able to upset the normal equlibria created within firms. Simultaneously with its advent on the market, there have been other technologies, that deserve to be mentioned, like the following ones: Internet of Things, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Crowd-Sourcing, Digital Sensors, Robotics e Artificial Intelligence that are usually defined as Advanced Manufacturing Solutions. For this reason, this thesis aims at analyzing the current and future relation between 3D Printing technology and these latter ones, in order to look for a positive correlation. After the review of nowadays’ literature, we are going to focus on the veracity of six hypotheses drawn up by me. They wil be checked through a descriptive analysis; its data have been obtained by an international market research, performed thanks to the widespread of Internet-based survey sent by e-mail to firms taken into consideration by my group and me. The database is composed by 380 contacts. They are going to be evaluated through graphs, in order to investigate the veracity of hypotheses. The analysis will show that there is a positive correlation between 3DP and AMS, but it is too soon to predict without a doubt that business models proposed will achieve success in future, even though data are encouraging and there are concrete cases of success. Moreover, the firms that combine together these technologies will observe Re-Shoring effect with a positive impact on time and less on costs that are not influenced so much.
La stampante 3D si è presentata come una tecnologia disruptive capace di sconvolgere i normali equilibri creati all’interno dell’azienda. Però, contemporaneamente al suo avvento, ci sono state altre tecnologie che hanno visto la luce e che sono degne di nota come le seguenti: Internet of Things, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Crowd-sourcing, sensori digitali, robotica e intelligenza artificiale che vanno sotto il nome di “soluzioni avanzate di manifattura”. Per questo motivo la seguente tesi si prefissa l’obiettivo di analizzare il rapporto corrente e futuro tra la tecnologia di stampante 3D e queste ultime alla ricerca di una correlazione positiva. In seguito all’analisi della letteratura odierna, l’attenzione verrà spostata sull’investigazione della veridicità di sei ipotesi elaborate da me. Esse verranno verificate tramite un’analisi descrittiva. I dati di quest’ultima sono stati ottenuti grazie a una ricerca di mercato a livello internazionale condotta con la diffusione di un questionario online inviato per mail alle aziende prese in esame dal mio gruppo di lavoro e me. Il database raccoglie 380 risposte registrate. Esse verranno valutate grazie alla realizzazione di grafici per poter indagare la veridicità delle ipotesi elaborate. Dall’analisi si evincerà che esiste una correlazione positiva tra 3DP e AMS, ma è ancora presto per poter affermare senza dubbio se i modelli di business proposti potranno avere successo in un futuro prossimo, nonostante i dati siano incoraggianti e ci siano già ora casi concreti a sostegno di ciò. Inoltre le imprese che combineranno queste tecnologie vedranno il succedersi dell’effetto di Re-Shoring con un impatto positivo sul tempo e al contrario dei costi che rimangono sostanzialmente indifferenti.
Lo studio della relazione tra la stampante 3D e le Advanced Manufacturing Solutions
3D Printing has been considered like a disruptive technology able to upset the normal equlibria created within firms. Simultaneously with its advent on the market, there have been other technologies, that deserve to be mentioned, like the following ones: Internet of Things, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Crowd-Sourcing, Digital Sensors, Robotics e Artificial Intelligence that are usually defined as Advanced Manufacturing Solutions. For this reason, this thesis aims at analyzing the current and future relation between 3D Printing technology and these latter ones, in order to look for a positive correlation. After the review of nowadays’ literature, we are going to focus on the veracity of six hypotheses drawn up by me. They wil be checked through a descriptive analysis; its data have been obtained by an international market research, performed thanks to the widespread of Internet-based survey sent by e-mail to firms taken into consideration by my group and me. The database is composed by 380 contacts. They are going to be evaluated through graphs, in order to investigate the veracity of hypotheses. The analysis will show that there is a positive correlation between 3DP and AMS, but it is too soon to predict without a doubt that business models proposed will achieve success in future, even though data are encouraging and there are concrete cases of success. Moreover, the firms that combine together these technologies will observe Re-Shoring effect with a positive impact on time and less on costs that are not influenced so much.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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