It’s becoming increasingly clear that eradicating human trafficking at the roots, is more effective in reducing vulnerabilities of victims than at destination countries. This this thesis will focus on the human trafficking situation in Uganda through different case studies and analyse as to what extent the legal framework and policies implemented in Uganda are effective in combating trafficking at the source by reviewing their benefits and drawbacks. The findings indicate that the cornerstone of the anti-trafficking framework in Uganda is The Prevention of Trafficking against Persons Act 2009, which has streamlined the anti-trafficking efforts through the establishment of the Coordination Office to Combat Trafficking in Persons (COCTIP) under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The anti-trafficking approaches have been crucial in raising awareness on human trafficking, providing victim centered support and increasing the number of prosecutions on the crime of human trafficking, but challenges persist in undermining the achievements. By comparing the Ugandan legal and policy frameworks with that of the EU, this work will put forward suggestions and recommendations in order to improve the fight against human trafficking in Uganda and possibly, in other jurisdictions.
Sta diventando sempre più chiaro che eradicare il traffico di esseri umani nei paesi di origine è più efficace nel ridurre le vulnerabilità delle vittime rispetto combatterlo nei paesi di destinazione. Questa tesi si concentrerà sulla situazione della tratta di esseri umani in Uganda attraverso diversi casi studio e analizzerà in che misura il quadro giuridico e le politiche attuate in Uganda sono efficaci nella lotta alla tratta di esseri umani esaminandone i vantaggi e gli svantaggi. I risultati indicano che la pietra angolare del quadro giuridico anti-tratta in Uganda è la legge The Prevention of Trafficking against Persons Act 2009 del 2009, che ha semplificato gli sforzi anti-tratta attraverso l'istituzione dell'ufficio di coordinamento per la lotta alla tratta di persone (COCTIP) sotto il Ministero degli affari interni. Questi approcci alla tratta di esseri umani sono stati fondamentali per sensibilizzare sulla tratta di esseri umani, fornendo un sostegno incentrato sulle vittime e aumentando il numero di procedimenti giudiziari sul crimine della tratta di esseri umani, ma permangono sfide nel minare i risultati. Confrontando il quadro giuridico e politico dell'Uganda con quello dell'UE, questo lavoro proporrà suggerimenti e raccomandazioni al fine di migliorare la lotta contro la tratta di esseri umani in Uganda e, possibilmente, in altre giurisdizioni.
Eradication of trafficking at the roots: A case study of Uganda
It’s becoming increasingly clear that eradicating human trafficking at the roots, is more effective in reducing vulnerabilities of victims than at destination countries. This this thesis will focus on the human trafficking situation in Uganda through different case studies and analyse as to what extent the legal framework and policies implemented in Uganda are effective in combating trafficking at the source by reviewing their benefits and drawbacks. The findings indicate that the cornerstone of the anti-trafficking framework in Uganda is The Prevention of Trafficking against Persons Act 2009, which has streamlined the anti-trafficking efforts through the establishment of the Coordination Office to Combat Trafficking in Persons (COCTIP) under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The anti-trafficking approaches have been crucial in raising awareness on human trafficking, providing victim centered support and increasing the number of prosecutions on the crime of human trafficking, but challenges persist in undermining the achievements. By comparing the Ugandan legal and policy frameworks with that of the EU, this work will put forward suggestions and recommendations in order to improve the fight against human trafficking in Uganda and possibly, in other jurisdictions.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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