Nowadays there are a lot of emerging information technologies with such an unpredictable potential to be difficulty manageable by organizations, as they don’t know how to face them: on the one hand they shouldn’t be caught from an overenthusiasm for hyped innovations, while on the other hand an IT strategy being too cautious may lead to losing some relevant business opportunities. Hence, the research question which this thesis starts from is in the title itself: how can firms deal with information technologies hypes? The thesis wants to propose a research on how to evaluate and finally manage the adoption of a hyped information technology within a corporate environment, aiming to create a model that can make firms able to explore new technologies in a mindful way. More technically, taking the Hype Cycle by Gartner as starting point, the proposed model is a means of deepening just the hype-centric phase of the curve, the one in which the hype prevails and that ends in the Peak of Inflated Expectations. So, the focus is on what it is possible to do from the user-side (i.e. from the perspective of firms), during the phases of introducing a new kind of digital technology, in order to carefully assess the adoption and the effects both on business processes and on the value creation architecture, as well as the match between the needs of the firm and the technology itself. In the first chapter there is a little introduction on technologies life cycles, which briefly tells about the most important models that have addressed the future development of emerging technologies. In the second chapter the literature review is showed: it builds a theoretical background on emerging technologies, placing at their core the relationship among technological hypes, diffusion of innovations and information technologies adoption and development. The third chapter, introducing an integrative stage-based model obtained from the previous analysis, highlights a path made by prescriptions and guidelines through which firms can mindfully evaluate the adoption of an emerging information technology that is being hyped. The fourth chapter is a case study in which the model is applied on one of the most hyped technologies in the last couple of year: blockchain. This section wants to give a first validity to the model, by simulating the adoption assessment process of a generic firm willing to evaluate blockchain as an infrastructural technology, beyond its primal cryptocurrencies application. Finally, the thesis work ends with a definitive discussion that explains limits and possible future developments of the research.
Nella realtà attuale molte tecnologie informatiche emergenti hanno un potenziale così imprevedibile da essere difficilmente gestibili dalle organizzazioni, in quanto non sanno come affrontarle: se da un lato si rischia di essere contagiati da un eccessivo entusiasmo per innovazioni sopravvalutate, dall’altra parte una strategia IT troppo prudente può portare a perdere alcune rilevanti opportunità di business. Dunque, la domanda di ricerca da cui questa tesi parte è nel titolo stesso: come le imprese possono affrontare le tecnologie informatiche emergenti? La tesi propone una ricerca su come valutare e gestire l'adozione di una tecnologia informatica sopravvalutata, all'interno di un contesto aziendale, con l'obiettivo di creare un modello che possa far si che le aziende siano in grado di esplorare le nuove tecnologie in modo consapevole. Più tecnicamente, prendendo l’Hype Cycle di Gartner come punto di partenza, il modello proposto è uno strumento per approfondire solo la fase iniziale della curva, quella in cui prevale il cosiddetto hype (i.e. sopravvalutazione) e che termina nel “picco delle aspettative eccessive”. L'attenzione si concentra dunque su ciò che le imprese possono fare durante le fasi introduttive di una nuova tecnologia digitale, al fine di valutare attentamente l'adozione e gli effetti sia sui processi aziendali che sull'architettura di creazione del valore, così come il match tra le esigenze dell'impresa e ciò che la tecnologia stessa può fare per soddisfarle. Nel primo capitolo viene fatta un’introduzione sui cicli di vita delle tecnologie, che descrive brevemente i modelli più importanti che hanno affrontato il tema delle previsioni sullo sviluppo futuro delle tecnologie emergenti. Nel secondo capitolo viene presentata l’analisi della letteratura: essa costituisce un background teorico sulle tecnologie emergenti, ponendo al centro la relazione tra gli hype tecnologici, la diffusione delle innovazioni nonché l'adozione e lo sviluppo delle tecnologie informatiche. Il terzo capitolo, introducendo un modello integrativo diviso in fasi e ottenuto dalla precedente analisi, evidenzia un percorso attraverso cui le aziende possono valutare consapevolmente l'adozione di una tecnologia informatica emergente oggetto di hype, supportando il processo con prescrizioni e linee guida. Il quarto capitolo è un case study in cui il modello viene applicato su una delle tecnologie più sopravvalutate e discusse degli ultimi due anni: blockchain. Questa sezione vuole conferire una prima validità al modello, simulando dal punto di vista di un’impresa generica il processo di valutazione dell’adozione di blockchain come tecnologia infrastrutturale, aldilà della sua applicazione originaria, ossia le criptovalute. Infine, il lavoro di tesi si conclude con una discussione definitiva che spiega limiti e possibili sviluppi futuri della ricerca.
Nowadays there are a lot of emerging information technologies with such an unpredictable potential to be difficulty manageable by organizations, as they don’t know how to face them: on the one hand they shouldn’t be caught from an overenthusiasm for hyped innovations, while on the other hand an IT strategy being too cautious may lead to losing some relevant business opportunities. Hence, the research question which this thesis starts from is in the title itself: how can firms deal with information technologies hypes? The thesis wants to propose a research on how to evaluate and finally manage the adoption of a hyped information technology within a corporate environment, aiming to create a model that can make firms able to explore new technologies in a mindful way. More technically, taking the Hype Cycle by Gartner as starting point, the proposed model is a means of deepening just the hype-centric phase of the curve, the one in which the hype prevails and that ends in the Peak of Inflated Expectations. So, the focus is on what it is possible to do from the user-side (i.e. from the perspective of firms), during the phases of introducing a new kind of digital technology, in order to carefully assess the adoption and the effects both on business processes and on the value creation architecture, as well as the match between the needs of the firm and the technology itself. In the first chapter there is a little introduction on technologies life cycles, which briefly tells about the most important models that have addressed the future development of emerging technologies. In the second chapter the literature review is showed: it builds a theoretical background on emerging technologies, placing at their core the relationship among technological hypes, diffusion of innovations and information technologies adoption and development. The third chapter, introducing an integrative stage-based model obtained from the previous analysis, highlights a path made by prescriptions and guidelines through which firms can mindfully evaluate the adoption of an emerging information technology that is being hyped. The fourth chapter is a case study in which the model is applied on one of the most hyped technologies in the last couple of year: blockchain. This section wants to give a first validity to the model, by simulating the adoption assessment process of a generic firm willing to evaluate blockchain as an infrastructural technology, beyond its primal cryptocurrencies application. Finally, the thesis work ends with a definitive discussion that explains limits and possible future developments of the research.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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