This paper deals with a study of the elderly body both within society and through the contemporary art scene. The analysis is divided into three macro-areas. The first one extrapolates some key issues concerning the life of the elderly (both in the positive and negative aspects) in contemporary society. The second deals with these characters from a scenic point of view, taking in analysis three relevant performances of the contemporary world: “Dead class” by Kantor, “On the concept of face in the Son of God” by Castellucci and “Kontakthof” by Pina Bausch. The third finally enters the society of today focusing on those realities that, through theatrical and performative practices, help the elderly in everyday life.
Il presente elaborato tratta uno studio del corpo anziano sia all'interno della società sia attraverso la scena artistica contemporanea. L'analisi si articola in tre macroaree. La prima estrapola alcune tematiche chiave che riguardano la vita dell'anziano (sia negli aspetti positivi sia in quelli negativi) nella società contemporanea. La seconda tratta questi caratteri dal punto di vista scenico, prendendo in analisi tre spettacoli rilevanti del mondo contemporaneo: “La classe morta” di Kantor, “Sul concetto di volto nel Figlio di Dio” di Castellucci e “Kontakthof” di Pina Bausch. La terza infine entra nella società odierna focalizzandosi su quelle realtà che, attraverso pratiche teatrali e performative, aiutano gli anziani nella vita quotidiana.
TEATRI DELLA TERZA ETÀ Il corpo anziano nelle pratiche teatrali e performative contemporanee
This paper deals with a study of the elderly body both within society and through the contemporary art scene. The analysis is divided into three macro-areas. The first one extrapolates some key issues concerning the life of the elderly (both in the positive and negative aspects) in contemporary society. The second deals with these characters from a scenic point of view, taking in analysis three relevant performances of the contemporary world: “Dead class” by Kantor, “On the concept of face in the Son of God” by Castellucci and “Kontakthof” by Pina Bausch. The third finally enters the society of today focusing on those realities that, through theatrical and performative practices, help the elderly in everyday life.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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