The thesis focuses on the crime of money laundering, on the need to have an effective regulatory framework, and on the organizational set-ups that the financial and banking intermediaries must establish in order to prevent the commission of the crime of money laundering. The thesis concludes with the analysis of the Fifth European Directive on money laundering and terrorist financing.

The thesis is focuses on the crime of money laundering, on the need to have an effective regulatory system, and on the organizational set-ups that the financial and banking intermediaries must establish in order to prevent the commission of the crime of money laundering. The thesis concludes with the analysis of the Fifth European Directive on money laundering and terrorism financing.

Assetti organizzativi antiriciclaggio negli intermediari bancari.



The thesis focuses on the crime of money laundering, on the need to have an effective regulatory framework, and on the organizational set-ups that the financial and banking intermediaries must establish in order to prevent the commission of the crime of money laundering. The thesis concludes with the analysis of the Fifth European Directive on money laundering and terrorist financing.
Organizational anti-money laundering assets in bank intermediaries
The thesis is focuses on the crime of money laundering, on the need to have an effective regulatory system, and on the organizational set-ups that the financial and banking intermediaries must establish in order to prevent the commission of the crime of money laundering. The thesis concludes with the analysis of the Fifth European Directive on money laundering and terrorism financing.
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