The main theme of the elaborate is the c.d. pact march. The birth of this institute dates back to the Corpus juris civilis of Justinian and draws its origin from a well-known passage of the jurist Elio Marciano of the III century. A.D. , from which he took and still holds the name. The agreement was born with the purpose of overcoming the prohibition of the commission pact, already in force in Justinian law. In fact, while the latter constituted and still constitutes a prohibited shop, even sanctioned with the nullity on the basis of the articles. 1963 and 2744 c. the different figure of the Marcian pact was lawful and commonly used. In the face of the normative vulnus, doctrine and jurisprudence have questioned the legitimacy of such a pact in our legal system, both the doctrine and the jurisprudence have recognized the legitimacy of the Marcian protection, attributing a different nature with respect to the commission pact. first of all to try to define the figure of the Marcian pact, taking as reference the norms of common law; in secundis to compare it with the discipline and with the limits of the commission pact, so that it is possible to recognize in the first an instrument suitable to intervene and operate in cases of violation of the prohibition referred to in art. 2744 c.c.
Il tema principe dell'elaborato è il c.d. patto marciano. La nascita di tale istituto risale al Corpus juris civilis di Giustiniano e trae la propria origine da un noto passo del giurista Elio Marciano del III sec. d.C. , da cui ha preso e ne detiene tutt’oggi il nome. Il patto nacque con il fine di superare il divieto del patto commissorio, già vigente nel diritto giustinianeo. Infatti, mentre quest’ultimo costituiva e costituisce tutt'ora un negozio vietato, sanzionato addirittura con la nullità in base agli artt. 1963 e 2744 c.c.; la diversa figura del patto marciano era lecita e comunemente utilizzata. A fronte del vulnus normativo, dottrina e giurisprudenza si sono interrogate riguardo alla liceità di simile patto nel nostro ordinamento, sia la dottrina che la giurisprudenza hanno riconosciuto la legittimità della tutela marciana, attribuendone una diversa natura rispetto al patto commissorio.La presente indagine si propone in primis di tentare di definire la figura del patto marciano, assumendo come riferimento le norme di diritto comune; in secundis di confrontarlo con la disciplina e con i limiti del patto commissorio, affinché sia possibile ravvisare nel primo uno strumento idoneo a intervenire e operare nei casi di violazione del divieto di cui all’art. 2744 c.c.
The main theme of the elaborate is the c.d. pact march. The birth of this institute dates back to the Corpus juris civilis of Justinian and draws its origin from a well-known passage of the jurist Elio Marciano of the III century. A.D. , from which he took and still holds the name. The agreement was born with the purpose of overcoming the prohibition of the commission pact, already in force in Justinian law. In fact, while the latter constituted and still constitutes a prohibited shop, even sanctioned with the nullity on the basis of the articles. 1963 and 2744 c. the different figure of the Marcian pact was lawful and commonly used. In the face of the normative vulnus, doctrine and jurisprudence have questioned the legitimacy of such a pact in our legal system, both the doctrine and the jurisprudence have recognized the legitimacy of the Marcian protection, attributing a different nature with respect to the commission pact. first of all to try to define the figure of the Marcian pact, taking as reference the norms of common law; in secundis to compare it with the discipline and with the limits of the commission pact, so that it is possible to recognize in the first an instrument suitable to intervene and operate in cases of violation of the prohibition referred to in art. 2744 c.c.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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