In the last 25 years, China has become an influential, dynamic and competitive economic power; at the same time, it has turned into one of the most important drivers of international migration. Within this framework, Chinese migration to Africa has mirrored China's political, ideological and economic changes over the centuries. This paper aims to explore the phenomenon of Chinese migration in Africa, by illustrating the most meaningful aspects and major matters of debate. The first chapter offers a historical-political perspective of Sino-African relations, on a period-based outlook, since the early developments to the evolution of stronger and intense links in recent times, in the light of the concept of 'strategic partnership'. The second chapter focuses on the Chinese migration phenomenon in Africa in the period 1990-2015, within the overall picture of Chinese diaspora, using quantitative analysis and delineating actors, schemes and basic categories of migration operating within this framework. The third chapter focuses on the ‘sectorial' importance of Chinese migration to Africa, by analyzing it among the fields of greatest engagement. Through the use of concrete examples, the focus is set on the impact of Chinese presence and policies on the African local context and development. The fourth chapter points at discussing China’s 'neo-colonialist' role, and the issues associated with it. Similarly, particular attention is devoted to the illustration of African local perceptions about Chinese presence and its effects on the social and economic domains, ending with suggestions and recommendations for the achievement of balance in the future.
La Cina è diventata nel corso degli ultimi venticinque anni una potenza economica influente, dinamica e competitiva, trasformandosi inoltre, in uno dei più importanti motori delle migrazioni internazionali. In questa cornice, le migrazioni cinesi in Africa hanno funto da specchio dei numerosi cambiamenti politici, ideologici ed economici della Cina nel corso dei secoli. Questo elaborato si propone di esplorare il fenomeno delle migrazioni cinesi in Africa, illustrandone gli aspetti più significativi e i punti di maggiore dibattito. Il primo capitolo fornisce un’ampia prospettiva storico-politica, in chiave temporale, delle relazioni Cino-Africane, dai primi cenni fino allo sviluppo di legami più solidi e intensi in tempi recenti alla luce del concetto di ‘partnership strategica’. Il secondo capitolo si focalizza sul fenomeno delle migrazioni cinesi in Africa nel periodo 1990-2015, all’interno del fenomeno della diaspora cinese, utilizzando dati quantitativi, e delineando attori, schemi e categorie fondamentali in questo quadro migratorio. Il terzo capitolo pone l’accento sull’importanza ‘settoriale’ della migrazione cinese in Africa, analizzandola all’interno degli ambiti di maggiore coinvolgimento. Grazie all’utilizzo di esempi concreti, l’accento è posto sull’impatto della presenza e delle politiche cinesi nel contesto locale africano e il suo sviluppo. Il quarto capitolo si propone di discutere il ruolo della Cina come ‘neocolonialista’ e le problematiche a esso associate. Parallelamente, particolare attenzione è dedicata all’illustrazione delle percezioni locali africane in merito ala presenza cinese e i suoi effetti sul fronte sociale ed economico, finendo con suggerimenti e raccomandazioni per il raggiungimento di un futuro equilibrio.
Chinese migration to Africa-history, drivers and impact
In the last 25 years, China has become an influential, dynamic and competitive economic power; at the same time, it has turned into one of the most important drivers of international migration. Within this framework, Chinese migration to Africa has mirrored China's political, ideological and economic changes over the centuries. This paper aims to explore the phenomenon of Chinese migration in Africa, by illustrating the most meaningful aspects and major matters of debate. The first chapter offers a historical-political perspective of Sino-African relations, on a period-based outlook, since the early developments to the evolution of stronger and intense links in recent times, in the light of the concept of 'strategic partnership'. The second chapter focuses on the Chinese migration phenomenon in Africa in the period 1990-2015, within the overall picture of Chinese diaspora, using quantitative analysis and delineating actors, schemes and basic categories of migration operating within this framework. The third chapter focuses on the ‘sectorial' importance of Chinese migration to Africa, by analyzing it among the fields of greatest engagement. Through the use of concrete examples, the focus is set on the impact of Chinese presence and policies on the African local context and development. The fourth chapter points at discussing China’s 'neo-colonialist' role, and the issues associated with it. Similarly, particular attention is devoted to the illustration of African local perceptions about Chinese presence and its effects on the social and economic domains, ending with suggestions and recommendations for the achievement of balance in the future.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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