The current Master’s Thesis finds its building blocks within one of the most recent challenge the business world is currently experiencing. That is the so called “Sustainability Challenge” which is recognized to be as the continuous efforts our community is doing in order to get to medium-long term results in a sustainable manner. This would imply and involve the avoidance of waste and the ongoing and constant respect and compliance to the environmental issues. This phenomenon is somehow related to the capability of different businesses to exploit the positive effects deriving therefrom in a future, sustainable competitive advantage perspective. The final aim would be to operate and act following strategic and sustainable methods. Consequently, the author wanted to deepen one of the hot topic in the sustainability field, strengthening its attention upon the most recently discussed Circular Economy phenomenon. Circular Economy is satisfactorily explained by the implementation of new business models and procedures which are different in comparison to the mainstream business approaches thanks to the way in which they interface with the external environment. In details, the mainstream approaches, are basically based on the TMW approach, namely Take, Make, Waste. Alternatively, the new Circular business schemes are prominently compliant to the 3R Principles framework, including the Reducing, Reusing and Recycling concepts. Within the present work, everything is put into the business perspective leading the author and the readers to the individualisation of the most “convenient” solution to adopt and implement between either the Linear Business Model or the alternative Circular Business Model (CBM). As a matter of fact, the Master’s Thesis is structured in line with the willingness of the student to give to the reader a picture concerning the theoretical background in line with the main reasons and justification of the research. Particularly, the research objectives and the related research question (RQ) are presented and briefly discussed. The RQ is as follows: “How do firms perceive and consider sustainability and circular economy issues when evaluating whether to implement either a linear business model or a circular business approach?” Furthermore, theoretical aspects and main concepts are explained within the literature of the current work. Sustainability, its role and its related strategic frameworks were analysed. Follows a detailed argumentation of the main and crucial issues regarding Circular Economy, defining the phenomenon, going through the shifting process between the above mentioned mainstream business models and the innovative ones. In conclusion, a focused revision of the literature is entirely dedicated to point out the key differences, advantages and disadvantages of those Linear and Circular Business Models. Moreover, the current research follows specific research methodologies in the attempt of reaching the final scope. By doing this, the author benefited of several methodological tools based on the implementation of a deductive research approach with the assistance of semi-structured interviews. The interviews were performed through emails, Skype meetings, questionnaires and personal meetings. Italian and English were the languages used considering a sample characterized by Italian and Finnish companies - precisely, 4 companies participated with the addition of further contributions. In conclusion, the presentation and analysis of the empirical results are discussed. Accordingly, the author found that, in line with the expectations developed within the theoretical section, the main driver fostering and pushing the sustainable shift toward the use and implementation of circular business model is the so called “Sustainable Thinking Development”. This means that everything ought to start from a personal and mind-set shift and change of the key business actors.
La presente Tesi, trova le proprie basi in una delle sfide che recentemente il presente business world sta avendo modo di affrontare, ovvero la cosiddetta “Sustainability Challenge”, che viene in senso lato riconosciuta come uno sforzo continuo della nostra comunità al fine di raggiungere degli obiettivi e risultati di medio e lungo periodo che siano quanto più sostenibili possibili, evitando, dunque, continui sprechi nel rispetto dell’ambiente e contemporaneamente come fonte primaria di vantaggio economico che questo potrebbe apportare alle aziende operanti in maniera definibile, per l’appunto, strategicamente sostenibile. Conseguentemente, l’autore, ha voluto approfondire maggiormente uno degli hot topic in ambito di sostenibilità all’interno del business, puntando la sua attenzione sul recente e frequentemente discusso argomento della “Circular Economy”, ovvero, Economia Circolare. Il tutto viene contestualizzato all’interno dello scopo ultimo che è quello di individuare la “convenienza” e la reale fattibilità di optare per un Linear Business Model o l’alternativo Circular Business Model (CBM). A riguardo, il lavoro è stato articolato e sviluppato in modo tale da fornire al lettore, in primis, una disamina riguardante il background teorico in linea con le ragioni e quindi la reale giustificazione del lavoro di ricerca. In particolare, gli obiettivi da raggiungere ed inoltre la domanda principale della ricerca vengono presentate e brevemente argomentate. La stessa assume la seguente fattispecie: “In quale modo le aziende percepiscono e considerano tutto ciò che di pratico riguarda i concetti di sostenibilità e di economia circolare in una prospettiva di implementazione di modelli di business lineari o circolari?”. Successivamente, aspetti teorici e principali concetti cardine vengono presentati all’interno della letteratura del presente elaborato. Sostenibilità, ruolo della stessa e relativi frameworks strategici vengono analizzati. Segue una dettagliata argomentazione di aspetti cruciali riguardanti Circular Economy, fornendo una definizione del fenomeno, analizzando in particolare il processo/percorso di shift tra i tradizionali modelli economici e gli innovativi e concludendo, infine, con una attenta revisione della letteratura interamente dedicata alle differenze, vantaggi e svantaggi dei su citati linear e circular business models. La ricerca ha inoltre seguito delle metodologie ben precise per il raggiungimento del risultato finale. Nel fare questo, l’autore si è servito di strumenti metodologici basati sullo sviluppo di un approccio di ricerca deduttivo con l’aiuto di interviste semi-strutturate effettuate tramite l’utilizzo di emails, Skype meetings, questionari ed incontri personali con i partecipanti alla ricerca. Le lingue utilizzate sono state l’italiano e l’inglese, considerando un campione di aziende Italiane e Finlandesi – esattamente 4, più il supporto di alcune contribuzioni aggiuntive. Concludendo, un intero capitolo viene dedicato alla presentazione dei risultati empirici. L’autore riscontra che, in linea con le aspettative che si evincono dalla stesura della parte teorica, il principale driver che favorisce lo shift verso l’utilizzo di business models circolari e sostenibili, deriva da un cambiamento personale e mentale degli attori di business, definito per l’appunto
The current Master’s Thesis finds its building blocks within one of the most recent challenge the business world is currently experiencing. That is the so called “Sustainability Challenge” which is recognized to be as the continuous efforts our community is doing in order to get to medium-long term results in a sustainable manner. This would imply and involve the avoidance of waste and the ongoing and constant respect and compliance to the environmental issues. This phenomenon is somehow related to the capability of different businesses to exploit the positive effects deriving therefrom in a future, sustainable competitive advantage perspective. The final aim would be to operate and act following strategic and sustainable methods. Consequently, the author wanted to deepen one of the hot topic in the sustainability field, strengthening its attention upon the most recently discussed Circular Economy phenomenon. Circular Economy is satisfactorily explained by the implementation of new business models and procedures which are different in comparison to the mainstream business approaches thanks to the way in which they interface with the external environment. In details, the mainstream approaches, are basically based on the TMW approach, namely Take, Make, Waste. Alternatively, the new Circular business schemes are prominently compliant to the 3R Principles framework, including the Reducing, Reusing and Recycling concepts. Within the present work, everything is put into the business perspective leading the author and the readers to the individualisation of the most “convenient” solution to adopt and implement between either the Linear Business Model or the alternative Circular Business Model (CBM). As a matter of fact, the Master’s Thesis is structured in line with the willingness of the student to give to the reader a picture concerning the theoretical background in line with the main reasons and justification of the research. Particularly, the research objectives and the related research question (RQ) are presented and briefly discussed. The RQ is as follows: “How do firms perceive and consider sustainability and circular economy issues when evaluating whether to implement either a linear business model or a circular business approach?” Furthermore, theoretical aspects and main concepts are explained within the literature of the current work. Sustainability, its role and its related strategic frameworks were analysed. Follows a detailed argumentation of the main and crucial issues regarding Circular Economy, defining the phenomenon, going through the shifting process between the above mentioned mainstream business models and the innovative ones. In conclusion, a focused revision of the literature is entirely dedicated to point out the key differences, advantages and disadvantages of those Linear and Circular Business Models. Moreover, the current research follows specific research methodologies in the attempt of reaching the final scope. By doing this, the author benefited of several methodological tools based on the implementation of a deductive research approach with the assistance of semi-structured interviews. The interviews were performed through emails, Skype meetings, questionnaires and personal meetings. Italian and English were the languages used considering a sample characterized by Italian and Finnish companies - precisely, 4 companies participated with the addition of further contributions. In conclusion, the presentation and analysis of the empirical results are discussed. Accordingly, the author found that, in line with the expectations developed within the theoretical section, the main driver fostering and pushing the sustainable shift toward the use and implementation of circular business model is the so called “Sustainable Thinking Development”. This means that everything ought to start from a personal and mind-set shift and change of the key business actors.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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