Title: The impact of evolving consumer needs and new technologies in the Global Value Chain. Case study: adidas. In the recent years, academics and practitioners have shown an increasing interest in the Industry 4.0 and on the impact that this has on the Global Value Chain (GVC). There are several studies on this field but the empirical evidence is still poor. The aim of this thesis is to support the impact of Industry 4.0 with realistic evidence. Based on previous researches different definitions of Industry 4.0 are discussed. Afterwards, an empirical research was carried out to measure the impact of Industry 4.0 on GVC and consumer needs. A qualitative data collection with in-depth interviews is performed with various managers at adidas with the aim to explore important aspects, and to gather new insights about the Speedfactory and the effects on the GVC and consumer needs. The findings reveal that the Speedfactory will not have a significant effect on the GVC. First, the Speedfactory is limited in production. Second, it can only be used for products made of carbon. On the other hand, it will have a significant effect on consumer needs as it gives consumers the possibility to produce their own shoes, catching up with the fast customers changes in fashion. With the new techniques adidas is able to reduce lead times to one or two weeks instead of 90 days. The Speedfactory is the first automated factory that will change the conventional manufacturing shoe industry. Keywords: Industry 4.0, Global Value Chain, Consumer needs, Speedfactory of adidas.
Titolo: L'impatto dell'evoluzione delle esigenze dei consumatori e delle nuove tecnologie nella catena del valore globale. Caso di studio: adidas. Negli ultimi anni, accademici e professionisti hanno mostrato un crescente interesse per l'Industria 4.0 e l'impatto che questa ha sulla Global Value Chain (GVC). Ci sono diversi studi su questo campo ma l'evidenza empirica è ancora scarsa. L'obiettivo di questa tesi è sostenere l'impatto di Industria 4.0 con prove realistiche. Sulla base di ricerche precedenti vengono discusse diverse definizioni di Industry 4.0. Successivamente, è stata condotta una ricerca empirica per misurare l'impatto dell'Industry 4.0 sulla catena del valore globale e sulle esigenze dei consumatori. Una raccolta di dati qualitativi con interviste approfondite è stata eseguita con vari manager di adidas allo scopo di esplorare aspetti importanti e raccogliere nuove informazioni su Speedfactory ed effetti sulla GVC e sulle esigenze dei consumatori. I risultati rivelano che la Speedfactory non avrà un effetto significativo sulla GVC. Innanzitutto, la Speedfactory è limitata nella produzione. In secondo luogo, può essere utilizzata solo per prodotti realizzati con carbonio. D'altro canto, questa avrà un effetto significativo sulle esigenze del consumatore poiché offre ai consumatori la possibilità di produrre le proprie scarpe, raggiungendo i rapidi cambiamenti dei consumatori nella moda. Con le nuove tecniche adidas è in grado di ridurre i tempi di consegna a una o due settimane anziché a 90 giorni. La Speedfactory è la prima fabbrica automatizzata che cambierà l'industria convenzionale della produzione di scarpe. Keywords: Industry 4.0, Catena del valore globale, Esigenze dei consumatori, Speedfactory di adidas.
The impact of evolving consumer needs and new technologies on the Global Value Chain
Title: The impact of evolving consumer needs and new technologies in the Global Value Chain. Case study: adidas. In the recent years, academics and practitioners have shown an increasing interest in the Industry 4.0 and on the impact that this has on the Global Value Chain (GVC). There are several studies on this field but the empirical evidence is still poor. The aim of this thesis is to support the impact of Industry 4.0 with realistic evidence. Based on previous researches different definitions of Industry 4.0 are discussed. Afterwards, an empirical research was carried out to measure the impact of Industry 4.0 on GVC and consumer needs. A qualitative data collection with in-depth interviews is performed with various managers at adidas with the aim to explore important aspects, and to gather new insights about the Speedfactory and the effects on the GVC and consumer needs. The findings reveal that the Speedfactory will not have a significant effect on the GVC. First, the Speedfactory is limited in production. Second, it can only be used for products made of carbon. On the other hand, it will have a significant effect on consumer needs as it gives consumers the possibility to produce their own shoes, catching up with the fast customers changes in fashion. With the new techniques adidas is able to reduce lead times to one or two weeks instead of 90 days. The Speedfactory is the first automated factory that will change the conventional manufacturing shoe industry. Keywords: Industry 4.0, Global Value Chain, Consumer needs, Speedfactory of adidas.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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