The development of digital technologies, in particular the advent of the Web 2.0 and the social media, has lead to a growing digitalization of the marketing strategy of more and more companies coming from different sectors. After having theoretically analyzing the characteristic of a digital marketing strategy, going more in details in the description of social media marketing channels, the thesis will investigate the marketing activities on social network sites of an Italian web radio (Silvermusic Radio). Social media are strongly used by web radio, sometimes as the only means of communications; thus, this sector seems to be particularly appropriate to investigate how, why and with which results a small company should use social media in its marketing strategy. A short comparison between Silvermusic Radio’s social media activities and some competitors’ actions will provide the starting point to draw some conclusions
Il costante sviluppo delle tecnologie digitali, in particolare del Web 2.0 e dei social media, ha portato ad una sempre maggiore digitalizzazione delle strategie di marketing delle aziende appartenenti ai più svariati settori. Dopo aver teoricamente analizzato cosa significhi intraprendere una strategia di digital marketing e aver più approfonditamente descritto canali e strumenti del social media marketing, la tesi analizzerà l’attività di marketing di una web radio italiana (Silvermusic Radio) nei diversi social network sites da essa utilizzati. Le web radio utilizzano in modo capillare i social media come strumento di marketing e per molte essi sono addirittura l’unico mezzo di promozione. Tale caratteristica rende il settore delle web radio particolarmente adatto ad analizzare come, perché e con quali risultati una piccola azienda dovrebbe utilizzare i social network come mezzo di comunicazione. In seguito, un breve confronto fra il marketing di Silvermusic Radio e l’attività di alcuni suoi competitors fornirà lo spunto per trarre le dovute conclusioni.
Social Media Marketing: silvermusic radio case study.
The development of digital technologies, in particular the advent of the Web 2.0 and the social media, has lead to a growing digitalization of the marketing strategy of more and more companies coming from different sectors. After having theoretically analyzing the characteristic of a digital marketing strategy, going more in details in the description of social media marketing channels, the thesis will investigate the marketing activities on social network sites of an Italian web radio (Silvermusic Radio). Social media are strongly used by web radio, sometimes as the only means of communications; thus, this sector seems to be particularly appropriate to investigate how, why and with which results a small company should use social media in its marketing strategy. A short comparison between Silvermusic Radio’s social media activities and some competitors’ actions will provide the starting point to draw some conclusionsÈ consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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