The aim of this thesis is to examine the development of the Indian economy from the British rule until the present day and to provide an overview about the current economic and energy structure. The thesis focuses on the historical and economic background from the period of British colonialism in the 18th century until the 20th century as well as the current Indian situation with respect to the political, economic and socio-economic environment. The dynamic process of globalization impacts not only the economy but also social and cultural issues. The thesis is structured chronologically and divided into 7 chapters. Finally, an outlook for the remaining challenges to come in the future is given. I would like to thank and express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor and professor Mario Rizzo for his support in writing this thesis. It was an honour to write at his chair and a pleasure to receive constant advice during the last months. I thank my family, friends and Fabian Kemmer for their support during the time writing the thesis and I dedicate it to the ones I love.

The aim of this thesis is to examine the development of the Indian economy from the British rule until the present day and to provide an overview about the current economic and energy structure. The thesis focuses on the historical and economic background from the period of British colonialism in the 18th century until the 20th century as well as the current Indian situation with respect to the political, economic and socio-economic environment. The dynamic process of globalization impacts not only the economy but also social and cultural issues. The thesis is structured chronologically and divided into 7 chapters. Finally, an outlook for the remaining challenges to come in the future is given. I would like to thank and express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor and professor Mario Rizzo for his support in writing this thesis. It was an honour to write at his chair and a pleasure to receive constant advice during the last months. I thank my family, friends and Fabian Kemmer for their support during the time writing the thesis and I dedicate it to the ones I love.




The aim of this thesis is to examine the development of the Indian economy from the British rule until the present day and to provide an overview about the current economic and energy structure. The thesis focuses on the historical and economic background from the period of British colonialism in the 18th century until the 20th century as well as the current Indian situation with respect to the political, economic and socio-economic environment. The dynamic process of globalization impacts not only the economy but also social and cultural issues. The thesis is structured chronologically and divided into 7 chapters. Finally, an outlook for the remaining challenges to come in the future is given. I would like to thank and express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor and professor Mario Rizzo for his support in writing this thesis. It was an honour to write at his chair and a pleasure to receive constant advice during the last months. I thank my family, friends and Fabian Kemmer for their support during the time writing the thesis and I dedicate it to the ones I love.
The aim of this thesis is to examine the development of the Indian economy from the British rule until the present day and to provide an overview about the current economic and energy structure. The thesis focuses on the historical and economic background from the period of British colonialism in the 18th century until the 20th century as well as the current Indian situation with respect to the political, economic and socio-economic environment. The dynamic process of globalization impacts not only the economy but also social and cultural issues. The thesis is structured chronologically and divided into 7 chapters. Finally, an outlook for the remaining challenges to come in the future is given. I would like to thank and express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor and professor Mario Rizzo for his support in writing this thesis. It was an honour to write at his chair and a pleasure to receive constant advice during the last months. I thank my family, friends and Fabian Kemmer for their support during the time writing the thesis and I dedicate it to the ones I love.
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