This dissertation analyses the topic of Corporate Entrepreneurship (or Intrapreneurship): a series of processes through which entrepreneurial behaviours are no more exclusively delivered by top management, but can be endorsed by other employees (Intrapreneurs) through bottom-up mechanisms. Corporate Entrepreneurship is realized when an individual or a group of individuals, in association with an existing organization, create new businesses or stimulate strategic renewal and innovation inside the existing organization. The focus of this research is on strategic context and organizational architecture conditions that foster a diffused entrepreneurship. The review of the Italian and international literature on Corporate Entepreneurship allowed to have a complete framework regarding the evolution of the concept of Corporate Entrepreneurship, its interpretations and taxonomies, and the strategies that foster the development of entrepreneurial initiatives. The study of the theory permitted to design a framework including individual and corporate competencies of the Intrapreneur. Furthermore, Human Resource Management practices that foster entrepreneurship and four organizational models have been inferred. Eventually, two case study of the Italian digital industry have been studied: FacilityLive and 7 Pixel group. The former is a high-tech startup is developing a next generation search engine. The latter is a web company whose core business is TrovaPrezzi, the leader platform for price comparison in Italy. In both cases it has been verified that diffused entrepreneurship has a main role in relation to corporate innovation. Despite different organizational models, the philosophy at the basis is the same: the organizational responsibility for entrepreneurial initiatives is not managed by a designated group of people, but it is distributed across the company. Moreover, entrepreneurial projects are financed ad hoc, rather than through a fund dedicated to Corporate Entrepreneurship. Therefore, in small and medium enterprises, Human Resource Management practices (Recruitment and selection, Job Design, Training and Development, Performance Evaluation, Bonus and Incentives) play a key role in the development of a cultural context conducive to innovation. Keywords: Corporate Entrepreneurship, Intrapreneurship, Exopreneurship, Human Resource Management, Strategic Management, Innovation, Corporate Entrepreneurship Strategy, SMEs.
Il presente elaborato analizza il tema della imprenditorialità interna (Corporate Entrepreneurship o Intrapreneurship) ovvero quella serie di processi per cui i comportamenti imprenditoriali non sono più ad esclusivo appannaggio del top management, ma anche di tutti gli altri componenti dell’azienda, che diventano così degli Intrapreneurs. La Corporate Entrepreneurhisp si realizza dunque quando si mettono in atto iniziative imprenditoriali che stimolano il rinnovamento strategico e l’innovazione all’interno dell’azienda, e che potrebbero portare anche alla creazione di spin-off aziendali. Il focus della tesi è posto sulle condizioni di contesto strategico e di architettura organizzativa che favoriscono lo sviluppo di un’imprenditorialità diffusa. L’analisi della letteratura italiana e internazionale sul tema dell’imprenditorialità interna ha consentito di avere un quadro esaustivo in relazione all’evoluzione del concetto di CE, alle attuali interpretazioni e classificazioni e alle strategie che favoriscono lo sviluppo di iniziative imprenditoriali. Lo studio della teoria ha permesso di ricavare un modello che inquadra le competenze individuali e aziendali caratterizzanti la figura dell’Intrapreneur. Sono state quindi individuate le pratiche di Human Resource Management comuni alle aziende più innovative e quattro modelli organizzativi utili per la gestione della Corporate Entrepreneurship. Infine, si è proceduto all’analisi di due casi studio rappresentativi del settore digital in Italia: FacilityLive e il gruppo 7 Pixel. FacilityLive è una startup che ha brevettato un motore di ricerca di nuova generazione. 7 Pixel è una web company il cui prodotto principale è TrovaPrezzi, portale di comparazione prezzi leader in Italia. In entrambi i casi esaminati si è potuto constatare che l’imprenditorialità diffusa assume un ruolo centrale ai fini dell’innovazione aziendale. Nonostante forme organizzative diverse, la filosofia di fondo è la stessa per entrambe le aziende: la responsabilità organizzativa per le iniziative imprenditoriali non è di esclusiva competenza di un gruppo designato, ma è diffusa a tutti i livelli nell’azienda. I progetti imprenditoriali inoltre, vengono supportati con finanziamenti ad hoc, e non attraverso un fondo destinato alla Corporate Entrepreneurship. Nelle piccole medie imprese dunque, le politiche di Human Resource Management (recruitment e selezione, job design, formazione e sviluppo, valutazione delle performance, premi ed incentivi) giocano un ruolo chiave nello sviluppo di un contesto favorevole all’innovazione. Parole chiave: Corporate Entrepreneurship, Intrapreneurship, Exopreneurship, Human Resource Management, Strategic Management, Innovation, Corporate Entrepreneurship Strategy, SMEs
Corporate Entrepreneurship: state-of-the-art and two case study
This dissertation analyses the topic of Corporate Entrepreneurship (or Intrapreneurship): a series of processes through which entrepreneurial behaviours are no more exclusively delivered by top management, but can be endorsed by other employees (Intrapreneurs) through bottom-up mechanisms. Corporate Entrepreneurship is realized when an individual or a group of individuals, in association with an existing organization, create new businesses or stimulate strategic renewal and innovation inside the existing organization. The focus of this research is on strategic context and organizational architecture conditions that foster a diffused entrepreneurship. The review of the Italian and international literature on Corporate Entepreneurship allowed to have a complete framework regarding the evolution of the concept of Corporate Entrepreneurship, its interpretations and taxonomies, and the strategies that foster the development of entrepreneurial initiatives. The study of the theory permitted to design a framework including individual and corporate competencies of the Intrapreneur. Furthermore, Human Resource Management practices that foster entrepreneurship and four organizational models have been inferred. Eventually, two case study of the Italian digital industry have been studied: FacilityLive and 7 Pixel group. The former is a high-tech startup is developing a next generation search engine. The latter is a web company whose core business is TrovaPrezzi, the leader platform for price comparison in Italy. In both cases it has been verified that diffused entrepreneurship has a main role in relation to corporate innovation. Despite different organizational models, the philosophy at the basis is the same: the organizational responsibility for entrepreneurial initiatives is not managed by a designated group of people, but it is distributed across the company. Moreover, entrepreneurial projects are financed ad hoc, rather than through a fund dedicated to Corporate Entrepreneurship. Therefore, in small and medium enterprises, Human Resource Management practices (Recruitment and selection, Job Design, Training and Development, Performance Evaluation, Bonus and Incentives) play a key role in the development of a cultural context conducive to innovation. Keywords: Corporate Entrepreneurship, Intrapreneurship, Exopreneurship, Human Resource Management, Strategic Management, Innovation, Corporate Entrepreneurship Strategy, SMEs.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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