3D Printing has been considered as a disruptive technology able to upset the normal equilibria created within firms. At the same time, there have been other technologies that have seen the light. Each of them, together with 3D printers has barriers to entry into companies and, no less important to analyse, brings a different cost management. For this reason, the following thesis sets out the objective of analysing the relationship between the adoption of 3D printers and the costs generated and expected in companies. Following the analysis of today's literature, the attention will be shifted to the investigation of the veracity of six assumptions elaborated by the author. They will be verified by a descriptive analysis. The data of the latter were obtained thanks to an international market research conducted with the spread of an online questionnaire sent by mail to the companies examined by the two working groups with the author. The database has composed of 380 contacts. They are going to be evaluated through graphs in order to investigate the veracity of hypotheses. The analysis will show that there is a positive correlation between 3DP and the type of activity in the companies and that the adoption of 3D printers positively influences the adoption of other manufacturing technologies. In addition, another result concerns the barriers to the implementation of 3D printers in companies, including the most common that is the initial high cost of investment, especially in some sectors. Keywords: Costs; 3D printing; Barriers; Economies of scale; Additive Manufacturing
La stampante 3D si è presentata come una tecnologia disruptive capace di sconvolgere i normali equilibri creati all’interno dell’azienda. Contemporaneamente al suo avvento, ci sono state altre tecnologie che hanno visto la luce e che sono degne di nota come le seguenti. Ognuna di esse, insieme alle stampanti 3D ha delle barriere all’ingresso nelle imprese e, non meno importante da analizzare, porta una gestione dei costi differente. Per questo motivo la seguente tesi si prefissa l’obiettivo di analizzare il rapporto tra l’adozione delle stampanti 3D e i costi generati e attesi nelle aziende. In seguito all’analisi della letteratura odierna, l’attenzione verrà spostata sull’investigazione della veridicità di sei ipotesi elaborate dall’autore. Esse verranno verificate tramite un’analisi descrittiva. I dati di quest’ultima sono stati ottenuti grazie a una ricerca di mercato a livello internazionale condotta con la diffusione di un questionario online inviato per mail alle aziende prese in esame dal due gruppi di lavoro. Il database raccoglie 380 risposte registrate. Esse verranno valutate grazie alla realizzazione di grafici per poter indagare la veridicità delle ipotesi elaborate. Dall’analisi si evincerà che esiste una correlazione positiva tra 3DP e il tipo di attività nelle aziende e che l’adozione delle stampanti 3D influenza positivamente l’adozione di altre technologie manufatturiere. Inoltre, un altro risultato riguarda le barriere all’implementazione delle stampanti 3D nelle aziende, tra cui la più diffusa è l’alto costo iniziale dell’investimento, specialmente in alcuni settori.
3D printing and AM technologies: costs, barriers and Economies of Scale.
3D Printing has been considered as a disruptive technology able to upset the normal equilibria created within firms. At the same time, there have been other technologies that have seen the light. Each of them, together with 3D printers has barriers to entry into companies and, no less important to analyse, brings a different cost management. For this reason, the following thesis sets out the objective of analysing the relationship between the adoption of 3D printers and the costs generated and expected in companies. Following the analysis of today's literature, the attention will be shifted to the investigation of the veracity of six assumptions elaborated by the author. They will be verified by a descriptive analysis. The data of the latter were obtained thanks to an international market research conducted with the spread of an online questionnaire sent by mail to the companies examined by the two working groups with the author. The database has composed of 380 contacts. They are going to be evaluated through graphs in order to investigate the veracity of hypotheses. The analysis will show that there is a positive correlation between 3DP and the type of activity in the companies and that the adoption of 3D printers positively influences the adoption of other manufacturing technologies. In addition, another result concerns the barriers to the implementation of 3D printers in companies, including the most common that is the initial high cost of investment, especially in some sectors. Keywords: Costs; 3D printing; Barriers; Economies of scale; Additive ManufacturingÈ consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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