This thesis deals with the current issue of the noise pollution that I consider of paramount importance. The scientific research disclosed how the noise pollution is a source of damages for the human health and that deface other natural balance especially in the animal world. The awareness among the dangers originated by noise pollution to mankind and animals to a continuous and intense exposure to noises is spreading. The prevention of the noise pollution and the respect of calmness represents, in our society, interest contemplated as worthy of juridical protection. The production of European regulation and normative is a novelty as topic of researches; this is highlighted by the lack and incompleteness of information of the topic. With this work I want to suggest a regulatory framework to regulate the noise pollution; highlighting the issue generated by the actual state of facts; proposing a synthesis that can help the compression of the topic. Firstly I depict the European and international regulatory framework. Secondly I have establish a comparison analysis among the most efficient European countries in matter of noise pollution, comparing the different regulation used to prevent the issue. Lastly I have analyzed how regional public bodies deal with noise pollution, which are the competences, the ways of acting. This analysis is enforced by a case study applied to a southern Italy region and a northern Italy region. In conclusion, is possible to state that Italy still need to improve the regulation to solve the possible issue deriving by noise pollution; giving the fact that this problem is strongly present in the everyday life of every citizen.
In questa tesi ho è stato discusso il problema dell’inquinamento acustico perchè oggi lo considero un tema molto attuale e delicato da porre all'attenzione di tutti. La ricerca scientifica ci rivela come l'inquinamento acustico è fonte di grave danno per la salute dell'uomo e che a sua volta altera altri equilibri naturali, soprattutto nel mondo animale. S’inizia a prendere consapevolezza intorno i pericoli derivanti all'uomo e alle specie animali da un'esposizione sempre intensa e ripetuta al rumore. La prevenzione dell'inquinamento acustico e il rispetto della quiete turbata da livelli non tollerabili di rumorosità costituiscono, nella nostra società, degli interessi considerati meritevoli di protezione giuridica. La produzione normativa comunitaria in tema di inquinamento acustico è da poco oggetto di studi, tanto da risultare incompleta, disomogenea e disarticolata. Con il mio elaborato intendo proporre un quadro normativo generale, dell'inquinamento acustico, dalle origini fino ai giorni nostri e delle problematiche che ne scaturiscono e dare una sintesi, chiara e dettagliata, che permetta la piena comprensione della materia in oggetto. Nella prima parte ho illustrato il quadro normativo comunitario e internazionale, nella seconda ho voluto procedere ad un analisi comparata tra i paesi europei più efficienti in materia d’inquinamento acustico e le disposizioni da loro usate per prevenire e contrastare questo fenomeno. Nell’ultima parte invece ho voluto analizzare come gli enti locali affrontano il problema dell'inquinamento acustico, quali sono le sue competenze ed i suoi modi d'agire, in specie facendo riferimento a due casi distinti : una regione del sud ed una regione del nord Italia . In conclusione del mio lavoro posso certo affermare che ancora nel nostro Paese c'è molto da fare per un problema cosi' ampio che è presente nella nostra vita di tutti i giorni.
L'inquinamento acustico
This thesis deals with the current issue of the noise pollution that I consider of paramount importance. The scientific research disclosed how the noise pollution is a source of damages for the human health and that deface other natural balance especially in the animal world. The awareness among the dangers originated by noise pollution to mankind and animals to a continuous and intense exposure to noises is spreading. The prevention of the noise pollution and the respect of calmness represents, in our society, interest contemplated as worthy of juridical protection. The production of European regulation and normative is a novelty as topic of researches; this is highlighted by the lack and incompleteness of information of the topic. With this work I want to suggest a regulatory framework to regulate the noise pollution; highlighting the issue generated by the actual state of facts; proposing a synthesis that can help the compression of the topic. Firstly I depict the European and international regulatory framework. Secondly I have establish a comparison analysis among the most efficient European countries in matter of noise pollution, comparing the different regulation used to prevent the issue. Lastly I have analyzed how regional public bodies deal with noise pollution, which are the competences, the ways of acting. This analysis is enforced by a case study applied to a southern Italy region and a northern Italy region. In conclusion, is possible to state that Italy still need to improve the regulation to solve the possible issue deriving by noise pollution; giving the fact that this problem is strongly present in the everyday life of every citizen.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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