The question I asked myself at the beginning of this paper is: what is work? I realized that working has changed over time, not only for what people do, but for the meaning it has for people and companies. Through a process of historical reconstruction of changes in the world of work, I have tried to analyze those components that are not only part of life in the factory or in the office, but also those that affect people's lives and their future. In the wake of the research conducted by Richard Sennet in “The personal consequences of work in the new capitalism", I tried to convey the reflection made by Sennet in the United States at the end of the twentieth century in our day and, in particular, within the Italian context. To do this I used many of the contents of Luciano Gallino who, for many years, devoted his research to the transformations of work and production processes in the era of globalization, merging them with direct experience in contact with stories of flexible workers. The concept of flexibility is inherent in the change of the concept of work, between a before and an after, whose boundary line is marked by globalization, innovation and the new capitalism. A flexibility that, today, is brought to exasperation, as Luciano Gallino writes in the homonymous text, has led individuals to "Lives postponed". Subsequent to the historical and normative analysis of the work's world in Italy which, driven by global directives, brought flexibility to our country, and what emerged was a substantial lack of responsibility on the part of companies and individuals. During the analysis there are many references what were the Olivetti of Ivrea for our country: a symbol of that responsibility and humanity lost today. Trying to mediate between what the world of work today is and what individuals today are, we find an exaggerated individualism, a lack of education in responsibility, a here and now that is the cause of the loss of future prospects, prospects that do not they can exist without a communication and mutual understanding of the direction in which we want to go, within a world that, although frantic and sometimes difficult, can still offer opportunities. Despite the lost rights, the exagerated flexibility, the entry of employment agencies in the world of work, what is changed is also and above all the value that work and people bring with them. Values that, according to the analysis conducted, can only be re-acquired with a deep and substantial re-education of companies and workers' responsibility.
La domanda che mi sono posta all’inizio di questo scritto è: cos’è il lavoro? Mi sono resa conto che il lavoro è cambiato nel corso del tempo, non tanto per quello che le persone fanno, quanto per il significato che esso ha per le persone e per le aziende. Attraverso un percorso di ricostruzione storica dei mutamenti avvenuti nel mondo del lavoro ho cercato di analizzare quelle componenti che non solo fanno parte della vita in fabbrica o in ufficio, ma che incidono anche sulla vita delle persone e sul loro futuro. Sulla scia della ricerca condotta da Richard Sennet in “L’uomo flessibile. Le conseguenze del nuovo capitalismo sulla vita personale.” ho cercato di trasportare la riflessione fatta da Sennet negli Stati uniti alla fine del XX secolo nei nostri giorni ed in particolare all’interno del contesto italiano. Per fare ciò ho utilizzato molti dei contenuti di Luciano Gallino, che da anni ha dedicato le sue ricerche alle trasformazioni del lavoro e dei processi produttivi nell’epoca della globalizzazione, fondendoli con l’esperienza diretta a contatto con storie di lavoratori flessibili. Insito nel cambiamento del concetto di lavoro, tra un prima e un dopo la cui linea di confine è segnata dalla globalizzazione, dall’innovazione e dal nuovo capitalismo, è il concetto di flessibilità. Una flessibilità portata oggi all’esasperazione che, come Luciano Gallino scrive nell’omonimo testo, ha condotto gli individui a delle “Vite rinviate”. Successivamente all’analisi storica e normativa del mondo del lavoro in Italia che, sulla spinta delle direttive globali, ha portato la flessibilità nel nostro paese, quello che è emerso è una sostanziale mancanza di responsabilità, da parte delle imprese come degli individui. Nel corso dell’analisi sono presenti molti rimandi all’esempio che è stata la Olivetti di Ivrea per il nostro paese, simbolo di quella responsabilità e umanità oggi perduta. In un’ottica di mediazione tra quello che il mondo del lavoro oggi è e quello che gli individui oggi sono si ritrova un esasperato individualismo, una carente educazione alla responsabilità, un qui e ora che è causa della perdita di prospettive future, prospettive che non possono esistere senza una comunicazione e comprensione reciproca della direzione in cui si vuole andare, al’interno di un mondo che, sebbene frenietico e talvolta difficile può ancora offrire delle opportunità. Nonostante i diritti persi, la flessibilità esasperata, l’ingresso delle agenzie per il lavoro nel mondo del lavoro, ad essere cambiato è anche e soprattutto il valore che il lavoro e le persone portano con sé. Valori che, secondo l’analisi condotta, possono essere riaquisiti soltanto con una profonda e sostanziale rieducazione alla responsabilità di imprese e lavoratori.
Il lavoro flessibile. Sviluppo struttura effetti sociali.
The question I asked myself at the beginning of this paper is: what is work? I realized that working has changed over time, not only for what people do, but for the meaning it has for people and companies. Through a process of historical reconstruction of changes in the world of work, I have tried to analyze those components that are not only part of life in the factory or in the office, but also those that affect people's lives and their future. In the wake of the research conducted by Richard Sennet in “The personal consequences of work in the new capitalism", I tried to convey the reflection made by Sennet in the United States at the end of the twentieth century in our day and, in particular, within the Italian context. To do this I used many of the contents of Luciano Gallino who, for many years, devoted his research to the transformations of work and production processes in the era of globalization, merging them with direct experience in contact with stories of flexible workers. The concept of flexibility is inherent in the change of the concept of work, between a before and an after, whose boundary line is marked by globalization, innovation and the new capitalism. A flexibility that, today, is brought to exasperation, as Luciano Gallino writes in the homonymous text, has led individuals to "Lives postponed". Subsequent to the historical and normative analysis of the work's world in Italy which, driven by global directives, brought flexibility to our country, and what emerged was a substantial lack of responsibility on the part of companies and individuals. During the analysis there are many references what were the Olivetti of Ivrea for our country: a symbol of that responsibility and humanity lost today. Trying to mediate between what the world of work today is and what individuals today are, we find an exaggerated individualism, a lack of education in responsibility, a here and now that is the cause of the loss of future prospects, prospects that do not they can exist without a communication and mutual understanding of the direction in which we want to go, within a world that, although frantic and sometimes difficult, can still offer opportunities. Despite the lost rights, the exagerated flexibility, the entry of employment agencies in the world of work, what is changed is also and above all the value that work and people bring with them. Values that, according to the analysis conducted, can only be re-acquired with a deep and substantial re-education of companies and workers' responsibility.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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