This thesis aims to analyze the development of Green Capitalism and how the topic has become increasingly important over the years, with the aim of transforming our society towards a model of sustainable capitalism. The scientific community has been talking about climate change since the 70s, while since the 90s it has become a much more felt topic with an awareness that passes both on a political, economic and sociological level. The problems due to climate change are clear to everyone; with rising temperatures, chain disasters are created, from desertification to the melting of glaciers and these phenomena are due to the emissions of pollutants and carbon dioxide produced by us. Nowadays there is an attitude of interest towards the environment, fed both by the factor of the investors who dedicate themselves to investment funds, and by the European directives, which with the recent Green Deal agreements, set the goal of making the European Union the first continent with neutral environmental impact by 2050. The current research involves a study of the articles that deal with the topic of Green Capitalism and Green Economy, analyzing its evolution and the possibilities of how it could be integrated into our system, taking into account the factors that slow down this process, such as the use of fossil fuels. Subsequently, after the necessary bibliographic searches relating to the literature on the subject, two corporate groups will be analyzed: the Kering Group and the LVMH Group, operating in the luxury sector. Innovative and sustainable processes will be studied by comparing them by evaluating the initiatives proposed by Green Marketing and Green Management, the differences in eco-investments, the future possibilities and how their growth has differentiated. In conclusion, the purpose of this work is to create an opinion on the issue of the transition to a sustainable capitalist system and to assess whether the initiatives proposed by the business groups taken into consideration can be effective in practical terms to reduce the environmental impact.
Questa tesi vuole analizzare lo sviluppo del Green Capitalism e di come l’argomento sia diventato sempre più importante nel corso degli anni, con lo scopo di trasformare la nostra società verso un modello di capitalismo sostenibile. La comunità scientifica parla di cambiamento climatico dagli anni ’70, mentre dagli anni ‘90 è diventato un argomento molto più sentito con una presa di coscienza che passa sia a livello politico, sia economico e sia sociologico. Le problematiche dovute al cambiamento climatico sono chiare a tutti; con l’aumento delle temperature si creano disastri a catena, dalla desertificazione allo scioglimento dei ghiacciai e questi fenomeni sono dovuti alle emissioni di inquinanti e anidride carbonica prodotti da noi. Oggigiorno si ha un atteggiamento di interesse nei confronti dell’ambiente, alimentato sia dal fattore degli investitori che si dedicano ai fondi d’investimento, sia dalle direttive Europee, che con i recenti accordi del Green Deal, pongono l’obiettivo di rendere l’Unione Europea il primo continente a impatto ambientale neutro entro il 2050. La stante ricerca prevede uno studio degli articoli che affrontano il tema Green Capitalism e Green Economy, analizzando la sua evoluzione e le possibilità di come si potrebbe integrare nel nostro sistema, tenendo conto dei fattori che rallentano questo processo, come l’utilizzo dei combustibili fossili. Successivamente, dopo le dovute ricerche bibliografiche relative alla letteratura presente in materia, verranno analizzati due gruppi aziendali ovvero il Gruppo Kering e il Gruppo LVMH, operanti nel settore del lusso. Si studieranno i processi innovativi e sostenibili mettendoli a confronto valutando le iniziative proposte dal Green Marketing e dal Green Management, le differenze in eco-investimenti, le possibilità future e di come si è differenziata la loro crescita. Concludendo, lo scopo di questo lavoro è creare un’opinione sul tema della transizione verso un sistema capitalista sostenibile e valutare se le iniziative proposte dai gruppi aziendali presi in considerazione possono essere efficaci sotto l’aspetto pratico per ridurre l’impatto ambientale.
Green Capitalism come evoluzione del sistema economico verso la sostenibilità: Un’analisi dei casi Kering & LVMH
This thesis aims to analyze the development of Green Capitalism and how the topic has become increasingly important over the years, with the aim of transforming our society towards a model of sustainable capitalism. The scientific community has been talking about climate change since the 70s, while since the 90s it has become a much more felt topic with an awareness that passes both on a political, economic and sociological level. The problems due to climate change are clear to everyone; with rising temperatures, chain disasters are created, from desertification to the melting of glaciers and these phenomena are due to the emissions of pollutants and carbon dioxide produced by us. Nowadays there is an attitude of interest towards the environment, fed both by the factor of the investors who dedicate themselves to investment funds, and by the European directives, which with the recent Green Deal agreements, set the goal of making the European Union the first continent with neutral environmental impact by 2050. The current research involves a study of the articles that deal with the topic of Green Capitalism and Green Economy, analyzing its evolution and the possibilities of how it could be integrated into our system, taking into account the factors that slow down this process, such as the use of fossil fuels. Subsequently, after the necessary bibliographic searches relating to the literature on the subject, two corporate groups will be analyzed: the Kering Group and the LVMH Group, operating in the luxury sector. Innovative and sustainable processes will be studied by comparing them by evaluating the initiatives proposed by Green Marketing and Green Management, the differences in eco-investments, the future possibilities and how their growth has differentiated. In conclusion, the purpose of this work is to create an opinion on the issue of the transition to a sustainable capitalist system and to assess whether the initiatives proposed by the business groups taken into consideration can be effective in practical terms to reduce the environmental impact.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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