The objective of this thesis is to provide an overview of the current landscape of consumer lending and to describe how it is being shaped by financial innovation. Some innovative trends have been identified that have the potential to disrupt the consumer credit market: digitisation, especially with regard to the growth in digital payments, e-commerce and the digital distribution of banking products; the sharing economy, which encompasses crowdfunding initiatives, including peer-to-peer lending; radical changes in consumers’ expectations, who now tend to have a preference for digital channels and for easy, low-effort customer journeys; the new rise of (online) point-of-sale financing, fostered by the growth in e-commerce transactions and accompanied by a progressive decline in the use of credit cards; and the new business opportunities emerging from the growing availability of customer financial and behavioural data, as a result of open banking and big data. A more detailed analysis will then be carried out on two innovative areas in the field of consumer credit, resulting from the above cited trends: peer-to-peer lending and alternative credit scoring, that is creditworthiness assessment based on, or complemented by, data other than those traditionally provided to lenders by credit bureaus. Peer-to-peer lending, along with the other forms of crowdfunding, is the fruit of the expansion of the sharing economy in the financial sector. Alternative credit scoring is another result of financial innovation in lending, enabled by the massive volume of user data produced today. It is a recent trend that has emerged as a way to overcome some limitations posed by the traditional credit scoring system. Data-enriched models for creditworthiness assessments have the potential to bring significant benefits to both lenders and borrowers; however, some controversy exists over the application of such practice, as will be later discussed in the work.
Questa tesi si propone di fornire una panoramica del mercato del credito al consumo e di descrivere come questo si sta modificando grazie all’innovazione finanziaria. Nel lavoro sono stati identificati alcuni trend innovativi con il potenziale di portare a cambiamenti profondi e irreversibili nel mercato: la digitalizzazione, specialmente per quanto riguarda la crescita nei pagamenti digitali, nell’e-commerce e nella distribuzione digitale di prodotti bancari; la sharing economy, che tra le altre cose comprende le iniziative di crowdfunding, incluso il peer-to-peer lending; i cambiamenti radicali nelle aspettative dei consumatori, le cui preferenze sono sempre più orientate verso il canale digitale e verso esperienze d’acquisto semplici e lineari; la “rinascita” del credito finalizzato erogato al punto vendita (online, questa volta), trainata dall’aumento delle transazioni di e-commerce e che si accompagna ad un progressivo calo nell’utilizzo delle carte di credito; e le nuove opportunità di business emerse grazie alla crescente disponibilità di dati finanziari e comportamentali relativi ai consumatori, in seguito alla diffusione di modelli di open banking e ai big data. Un’analisi più dettagliata verrà poi condotta su due aree innovative riconducibili al credito al consumo e determinate dai trend sopracitati: il peer-to-peer lending e il credit scoring “alternativo”, ossia la valutazione del merito creditizio basata su, o integrata da, dati alternativi rispetto a quelli tradizionalmente forniti dai sistemi di informazione creditizia. Il peer-to-peer lending, insieme alle altre forme di crowdfunding, è il frutto dell’espansione della sharing economy nel settore finanziario. Il credit scoring alternativo è un altro risultato dell’innovazione finanziaria nel mercato dei prestiti, il cui sviluppo è stato consentito grazie all’enorme mole di dati sugli utenti generata al giorno d’oggi. Si tratta di un recente trend emerso per superare le limitazioni che caratterizzano il sistema tradizionale di valutazione dell’affidabilità creditizia. Il data enrichment per le decisioni di credito può portare benefici significativi sia per i prestatori, sia per i richiedenti, ma, come si vedrà nel corso della ricerca, non mancano dubbi e criticità sull’utilizzo di tali modelli alternativi.
Financial Innovation in Consumer Lending
The objective of this thesis is to provide an overview of the current landscape of consumer lending and to describe how it is being shaped by financial innovation. Some innovative trends have been identified that have the potential to disrupt the consumer credit market: digitisation, especially with regard to the growth in digital payments, e-commerce and the digital distribution of banking products; the sharing economy, which encompasses crowdfunding initiatives, including peer-to-peer lending; radical changes in consumers’ expectations, who now tend to have a preference for digital channels and for easy, low-effort customer journeys; the new rise of (online) point-of-sale financing, fostered by the growth in e-commerce transactions and accompanied by a progressive decline in the use of credit cards; and the new business opportunities emerging from the growing availability of customer financial and behavioural data, as a result of open banking and big data. A more detailed analysis will then be carried out on two innovative areas in the field of consumer credit, resulting from the above cited trends: peer-to-peer lending and alternative credit scoring, that is creditworthiness assessment based on, or complemented by, data other than those traditionally provided to lenders by credit bureaus. Peer-to-peer lending, along with the other forms of crowdfunding, is the fruit of the expansion of the sharing economy in the financial sector. Alternative credit scoring is another result of financial innovation in lending, enabled by the massive volume of user data produced today. It is a recent trend that has emerged as a way to overcome some limitations posed by the traditional credit scoring system. Data-enriched models for creditworthiness assessments have the potential to bring significant benefits to both lenders and borrowers; however, some controversy exists over the application of such practice, as will be later discussed in the work.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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