The aim of this thesis is to conduct an analysis on Sovereign CDS commonality, estimating and determining the number of unobservable common and group-specific pervasive factors and detect what type of observable risk factors impact on CDS spread. The model used is the one proposed by Ando and Bai (2015), so a multilevel factor model with both observable and unobservable factors. The unobservable part consists of common pervasive factors that affect securities in all groups, and of group-specific pervasive factors that only affect the securities in a given group. The number of observable risk factors can be very large, as the variable that could be related to the credit risk are “virtually unlimited”. For this reason, these factors may include different type of variables that are mainly macroeconomic, financial or specific sector related. Given the large number of variables selected, smoothly clipped absolute deviation (SCAD) penalty approach (Fan and Li 2001) was used. For the analysis, I decided to separate the sample of CDS in two group that are, respectively, Developed Country and Developing Country. The criteria used to disentangle them is classification proposed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The sample contains the weekly price of Sovereign CDS for 42 countries while the time horizon consists of a range that spaces from 2013 until the middle of 2019, for a total of 316 observations for each unity. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: the first chapter introduces the literature related to factor model with more focus on the hierarchical factor models; the second one will treat the Ando and Bai’s model, which will be used for our purpose; in the third chapter has been analyzed in a specific manner the data handled also presenting the descriptive statistics related to them; the last one treats the model application and the research results.
Obiettivo di questa tesi è di condurre un’analisi sulla “communality” nel mercato dei CDS sovrani, stimando e determinando il numero dei fattori comuni e specifici latenti e verificando quali tra i fattori di rischio osservabili abbiano un impatto significativo sullo spread dei CDS. Il modello utilizzato è quello proposto da Ando e Bai (2015), ovvero un modello con struttura fattoriale multilivello che consideri sia fattori osservabili, sia fattori latenti. La componente latente consiste, da una parte, di fattori pervasivi comuni che influenzano i titoli in tutti i gruppi considerati, dall’altra, di fattori specifici pervasivi i quali influenzano solo i titoli di un gruppo specifico. Il numero di fattori osservabili può essere molto ampio, poiché le variabili legate al rischio di credito sono “virtualmente illimitate”. Per questa ragione, questi fattori possono includere diversi tipi di variabili, le quali sono principalmente macroeconomiche, finanziarie e specifiche di un determinato settore. Dato l’ampio numero di variabili considerate, è stato utilizzato l’approccio SCAD, proposto da Fan e Li (2001), al fine di determinare quali tra i potenziali fattori di rischio siano significativi. Per l’implementazione dell’analisi e per le caratteristiche proprie del modello utilizzato, ho deciso di dividere il campione dei CDS in due gruppi, rispettivamente, stati sviluppati e stati emergenti. Il criterio utilizzato per il raggruppamento è la classificazione proposta dal Fondo Monetario Internazionale (IMF). Il campione contiene rendimenti settimanali dei CDS di 42 stati, per un orizzonte temporale di circa sei anni, ovvero dalla metà del 2013 alla metà del 2019. La tesi è strutturata nel modo seguente: il primo capitolo introduce la letteratura relativa ai modelli fattoriali; il secondo tratta il modello di Ando e Bai (2015), ovvero quello utilizzato in questa tesi; nel terzo capitolo sono descritti analiticamente i dati utilizzati; l’ultimo, infine, tratta l’applicazione del modello e i risultati ottenuti dall’analisi condotta.
A factor model with hierarchical structure: Empirical Study on Sovereign CDS
The aim of this thesis is to conduct an analysis on Sovereign CDS commonality, estimating and determining the number of unobservable common and group-specific pervasive factors and detect what type of observable risk factors impact on CDS spread. The model used is the one proposed by Ando and Bai (2015), so a multilevel factor model with both observable and unobservable factors. The unobservable part consists of common pervasive factors that affect securities in all groups, and of group-specific pervasive factors that only affect the securities in a given group. The number of observable risk factors can be very large, as the variable that could be related to the credit risk are “virtually unlimited”. For this reason, these factors may include different type of variables that are mainly macroeconomic, financial or specific sector related. Given the large number of variables selected, smoothly clipped absolute deviation (SCAD) penalty approach (Fan and Li 2001) was used. For the analysis, I decided to separate the sample of CDS in two group that are, respectively, Developed Country and Developing Country. The criteria used to disentangle them is classification proposed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The sample contains the weekly price of Sovereign CDS for 42 countries while the time horizon consists of a range that spaces from 2013 until the middle of 2019, for a total of 316 observations for each unity. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: the first chapter introduces the literature related to factor model with more focus on the hierarchical factor models; the second one will treat the Ando and Bai’s model, which will be used for our purpose; in the third chapter has been analyzed in a specific manner the data handled also presenting the descriptive statistics related to them; the last one treats the model application and the research results.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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