Nowadays managers operates in a complex, volatile and uncertain world. Sales management reporting provide them information on sales performances of the company to support the steering of the business and the decision-making. However, if companies change their strategy and market, the management might have different requirements on the necessary information. The objective of this thesis is to analyze and evaluate the characteristics of an efficient sales management reporting, which is able to keep up with changes in the market of a company. In the study, it is described the sales management reporting implemented in a multinational company, operating in the automotive industry. Comparing managers’ needs with the current reporting of the company, shortcomings and improvements are identified. The company has a long successful history as a supplier of car components to OEMs, but as the mobility world evolves, a different corporate strategy is necessary. Since the company enters in new customer segments and adopt new business models, managers require to be informed on the performance with the new customers. Therefore, the sales management reporting has to adapt to the new management requirements to guarantee a 360 degrees view over the business. However the achievement of this scope determines many challenges for companies with heterogeneous and established business. The results of the research show the existence of a very complex and fragmented sales management reporting in the organization. Despite academic contributions suggest to define a centralized and standardized reporting system, this attempt can be weakened by the development of internal reports in divisions and customer teams of the company. At the same time, when companies open up to new business opportunities, enlarging their customer portfolio, managers might not have the right information to steer the business. Therefore, the sales management reporting needs to provide a complete view over the business and fulfil the various management requirements. This is possible with the development of a flexible, standardized and regularly updated reporting. This work is interesting for all those working with sales management reporting, from decision makers to controllers, respectively users and enablers of the reporting. It combines the main theories behind the controlling and reporting in organizations with the real and difficult implementation of an efficient sales reporting in a company. In the meantime, it contributes to evaluate the link between the sales management reporting and the market evolution, in particular focusing on new business models and customer segments.
Al giorno d'oggi i manager operano in uno scenario complesso, volatile ed incerto. Il sales management reporting fornisce loro informazioni sulle vendite dell’azienda, supportando la gestione aziendale e il processo decisionale. Tuttavia, quando le aziende cambiano la loro strategia e il focus di mercato, il managament potrebbe richiedere delle informazioni diverse. L'obiettivo di questa tesi è quello di analizzare e valutare le caratteristiche di un efficiente sales management reporting, in grado di tenere il passo con i cambiamenti nel mercato di un’azienda. Nello studio è descritto il sales management reporting nel contesto di una multinazionale operante nel settore automobilistico. Confrontando le esigenze dei manager con l’attuale reporting della compagnia, vengono individuate carenze e margini di miglioramento. L'azienda ha una lunga storia di successo come fornitore di componenti autobilistici ad OEMs, ma a causa dell’evoluzione del mondo della mobilità, una diversa strategia aziendale è necessaria. Dal momento in cui l'azienda entra in nuovi segmenti di mercato e adotta nuovi business model, i manager richiedono di essere informati sulle prestazioni con i nuovi clienti. Pertanto, il sales management reporting deve adattarsi alle nuove esigenze del management per garantire una visione a 360 gradi sul business. Tuttavia il raggiungimento di questo obiettivo genera delle difficoltà in aziende con un business eterogeneo e un organizazzione già ben definita. I risultati della ricerca mostrano l'esistenza di un sales management reporting molto complesso e frammentato nell'azienda. Nonostante diversi contributi accademici suggeriscano la definizione di un sistema di reporting centralizzato e standardizzato, questo tentativo può essere indebolito dallo sviluppo di reporting interni nelle numerose divisioni della compagnia. Allo stesso tempo, quando le aziende entrano in nuovi mercati, ampliando il proprio portafoglio clienti, il management potrebbe non avere le informazioni necessarie per dirigere l’azienda. Pertanto, il sales management reporting deve fornire una completa visione sul business e soddisfare le diverse necessità dei manager. Questo è possibile con lo sviluppo di un reporting flessibile, standardizzato e regolarmente aggiornato. Questo lavoro è interessante per tutti coloro che lavorano nel sales management reporting, dai manager ai controller, rispettivamente utenti e creatori del reporting. Lo studio combina le principali teorie sul controllo di gestione e reporting con la reale e difficile implementazione di un efficiente sales reporting in un’azienda. Allo stesso tempo, contribuisce a valutare il legame tra il sales management reporting e i cambiamenti di mercato, in particolare concentrandosi su nuovi business model e segmenti di mercato.
Changes in Sales Management Reporting induced by new business models and customer segments: the case of Robert Bosch GmbH.
Nowadays managers operates in a complex, volatile and uncertain world. Sales management reporting provide them information on sales performances of the company to support the steering of the business and the decision-making. However, if companies change their strategy and market, the management might have different requirements on the necessary information. The objective of this thesis is to analyze and evaluate the characteristics of an efficient sales management reporting, which is able to keep up with changes in the market of a company. In the study, it is described the sales management reporting implemented in a multinational company, operating in the automotive industry. Comparing managers’ needs with the current reporting of the company, shortcomings and improvements are identified. The company has a long successful history as a supplier of car components to OEMs, but as the mobility world evolves, a different corporate strategy is necessary. Since the company enters in new customer segments and adopt new business models, managers require to be informed on the performance with the new customers. Therefore, the sales management reporting has to adapt to the new management requirements to guarantee a 360 degrees view over the business. However the achievement of this scope determines many challenges for companies with heterogeneous and established business. The results of the research show the existence of a very complex and fragmented sales management reporting in the organization. Despite academic contributions suggest to define a centralized and standardized reporting system, this attempt can be weakened by the development of internal reports in divisions and customer teams of the company. At the same time, when companies open up to new business opportunities, enlarging their customer portfolio, managers might not have the right information to steer the business. Therefore, the sales management reporting needs to provide a complete view over the business and fulfil the various management requirements. This is possible with the development of a flexible, standardized and regularly updated reporting. This work is interesting for all those working with sales management reporting, from decision makers to controllers, respectively users and enablers of the reporting. It combines the main theories behind the controlling and reporting in organizations with the real and difficult implementation of an efficient sales reporting in a company. In the meantime, it contributes to evaluate the link between the sales management reporting and the market evolution, in particular focusing on new business models and customer segments.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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