The topic covered within my master's degree thesis will concern the logical-argumentative fallacies and their disclosure. Fallacies are apparently reasonable arguments capable of deceiving us that, within them, contain a logical error. A fallacy can be found at any moment: during a conversation or simply when witnessing a debate. These errors, studied for over two and a half millennia, find multiple applications and are exploited by the most strategists and experts to convince, persuade and sometimes control us. The study of fallacies is constantly evolving and has no fixed taxonomy, except for the macro-classification made by Aristotle who divides them into Formal Fallacies and Informal Fallacies. On the other hand, with the passing of the centuries, the use of fallacies has increasingly refined, within the activities of political communication and advertising. Thus, although it remains complicated to be able to give a fixed classification to fallacies, it is necessary to develop useful tools to identify this type of logical errors. Thus was born the desire to create an interesting and fun way to teach to recognize logical fallacies. The idea proposed within this thesis project is to create a deck of playing cards that contains selected fallacies that are easily understandable and that can, through games, provide young minds and those who want to question themselves, the essential tools to be able to recognize and in turn exploit these "tricks" of communication. The project and the thesis do not claim to be complete but want to be a first innovative approach to an often overlooked theme. Knowing how to recognize a fallacy can help us respond in kind when we find ourselves debating topics conveyed for example by fake news or it could be useful in convincing someone that what we are arguing makes sense. Similar projects already exist. Some of these, through the help of crowdfunding platforms, have managed to reach a useful figure to enter the market. However, what the writer intends to bring out is the need to produce something that can be more usable and create the space for a more immediate understanding of the concepts underlying the logical fallacies. In fact, the innovation it has been wanted to bring consists of two main aspects: - The ease of learning, taking advantage of the comic. Inside the cards there will be examples in the form of cartoons representing ironic and easily understandable scenes. - The modularity of the product, always upgradeable and expandable with new games and new classifications. It has been chosen to use the comics precisely because of their ability to involve. We all perceive the cartoon as if it were a realistic image. The simplification brought about by comics allows this medium to convey concepts clearly and focus our attention on that idea. But the thesis does not end there. In fact, the last chapter will be dedicated to the future developments of this project such as: testing the cards in the field to verify their practical effectiveness and improving the product, the creation of a support website and other marketing actions to make this idea come true.
L’argomento trattato all’interno della mia tesi di laurea magistrale riguarderà le fallacie logico - argomentative e la loro divulgazione. Le fallacie sono argomentazioni apparentemente sensate e capaci di trarci in inganno che al loro interno, contengono un errore logico. Ci si può trovare davanti ad una fallacia in qualsiasi momento: durante una conversazione o semplicemente quando si assiste ad un dibattito. Infatti, questi errori, studiati da oltre due millenni e mezzo, trovano molteplici applicazioni e vengono sfruttati dai più strateghi ed esperti per convincere, persuadere e alle volte controllarci. Lo studio delle fallacie è in continua evoluzione e non ha una tassonomia fissa, eccetto per la macro-classificazione operata da Aristotele che le suddivide in Fallacie Formali e Fallacie Informali. In compenso, con il passare dei secoli, si è affinato sempre di più l’uso delle fallacie, all’interno delle attività di comunicazione politica e pubblicitaria. Così, seppur resti complicato poter dare una classificazione fissa alle fallacie, si fa necessario sviluppare degli strumenti utili ad individuare questa tipologia di errori logici. Nasce in questo modo la volontà di creare un modo interessante e divertente per insegnare a riconoscere le fallacie logiche. L’idea proposta all’interno di questo progetto di tesi è quella di realizzare un mazzo di carte da gioco che contenga delle fallacie selezionate che siano facilmente comprensibili e che possano, attraverso dei giochi, fornire alle giovani menti e a chi vorrà mettersi in discussione, gli strumenti essenziali per poter riconoscere e a loro volta sfruttare questi “trucchi” della comunicazione. Il progetto e l’elaborato non hanno pretesa di completezza ma vogliono essere un primo approccio innovativo ad un tema spesso trascurato. Saper riconoscere una fallacia può aiutarci a rispondere a tono quando ci troviamo a dibattere di argomenti veicolati ad esempio da fake news oppure potrebbe tornarci utile nel convincere qualcuno che ciò che stiamo argomentando ha senso. Progetti simili esistono già. Alcuni di questi, attraverso l’aiuto di piattaforme di crowdfunding, sono riusciti a raggiungere una cifra utile per entrare nel mercato. Però, ciò che lo scrivente ha intenzione di far emergere è la necessità di produrre qualcosa che possa essere più fruibile e creare lo spazio per una più immediata comprensione dei concetti alla base delle fallacie logiche. L’innovazione che vogliamo apportare consta infatti di due aspetti principali: - La facilità di apprendimento, sfruttando il fumetto. All’interno delle card, infatti, saranno presenti degli esempi sotto forma di vignette rappresentanti scene ironiche e facilmente comprensibili. - La modularità del prodotto, sempre aggiornabile ed espandibile con nuovi giochi e nuove classificazioni. Si è scelto di usare il fumetto proprio per la sua capacità di coinvolgimento. Tutti, percepiamo il cartoon come se fosse una immagine realistica. La semplificazione apportata dal fumetto, consente a questo medium di veicolare i concetti in maniera chiara e concentrare la nostra attenzione su quell’idea. Ma il lavoro di tesi non termina qui. Infatti l’ultimo capitolo sarà dedicato agli sviluppi futuri di questo progetto come: testare le card sul campo per verificarne l’effettiva efficacia e migliorare il prodotto, la creazione di un sito web di supporto ed altre azioni di marketing per concretizzare questa idea.
Le fallacie logico-argomentative: una proposta originale per la loro divulgazione.
The topic covered within my master's degree thesis will concern the logical-argumentative fallacies and their disclosure. Fallacies are apparently reasonable arguments capable of deceiving us that, within them, contain a logical error. A fallacy can be found at any moment: during a conversation or simply when witnessing a debate. These errors, studied for over two and a half millennia, find multiple applications and are exploited by the most strategists and experts to convince, persuade and sometimes control us. The study of fallacies is constantly evolving and has no fixed taxonomy, except for the macro-classification made by Aristotle who divides them into Formal Fallacies and Informal Fallacies. On the other hand, with the passing of the centuries, the use of fallacies has increasingly refined, within the activities of political communication and advertising. Thus, although it remains complicated to be able to give a fixed classification to fallacies, it is necessary to develop useful tools to identify this type of logical errors. Thus was born the desire to create an interesting and fun way to teach to recognize logical fallacies. The idea proposed within this thesis project is to create a deck of playing cards that contains selected fallacies that are easily understandable and that can, through games, provide young minds and those who want to question themselves, the essential tools to be able to recognize and in turn exploit these "tricks" of communication. The project and the thesis do not claim to be complete but want to be a first innovative approach to an often overlooked theme. Knowing how to recognize a fallacy can help us respond in kind when we find ourselves debating topics conveyed for example by fake news or it could be useful in convincing someone that what we are arguing makes sense. Similar projects already exist. Some of these, through the help of crowdfunding platforms, have managed to reach a useful figure to enter the market. However, what the writer intends to bring out is the need to produce something that can be more usable and create the space for a more immediate understanding of the concepts underlying the logical fallacies. In fact, the innovation it has been wanted to bring consists of two main aspects: - The ease of learning, taking advantage of the comic. Inside the cards there will be examples in the form of cartoons representing ironic and easily understandable scenes. - The modularity of the product, always upgradeable and expandable with new games and new classifications. It has been chosen to use the comics precisely because of their ability to involve. We all perceive the cartoon as if it were a realistic image. The simplification brought about by comics allows this medium to convey concepts clearly and focus our attention on that idea. But the thesis does not end there. In fact, the last chapter will be dedicated to the future developments of this project such as: testing the cards in the field to verify their practical effectiveness and improving the product, the creation of a support website and other marketing actions to make this idea come true.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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