This paper will mainly deal with the theme of Europe's technological dependence on the United States and China, trying to compare and analyze the characteristics of the three digital legal systems. The main aim is to understand what are the major European weaknesses in order to overcome them and carve out a leading role in the digital world.

This paper will mainly deal with the theme of Europe's technological dependence on the United States and China, trying to compare and analyze the characteristics of the three digital legal systems. The main aim is to understand what are the major European weaknesses in order to overcome them and carve out a leading role in the digital world.

The race to establish a technological dominance: it's time for Europe to rise an independent digital industry



This paper will mainly deal with the theme of Europe's technological dependence on the United States and China, trying to compare and analyze the characteristics of the three digital legal systems. The main aim is to understand what are the major European weaknesses in order to overcome them and carve out a leading role in the digital world.
The race to establish a technological dominance: it's time for Europe to rise an independent digital industry
This paper will mainly deal with the theme of Europe's technological dependence on the United States and China, trying to compare and analyze the characteristics of the three digital legal systems. The main aim is to understand what are the major European weaknesses in order to overcome them and carve out a leading role in the digital world.
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