The aim of this work is to examine the Bayh-Dole act’s influences on the innovative activity of universities , in particular on collaborations . This act made it much easier for universities to obtain patents from research funded by the federal government and may have provided academies with an incentive to develop their R&D activities . The act may have provided a stimulus to collaborate and fund university R&D projects , since the results would now be easier to patent . In this analysis I’ve used the R&D 100 database , based on rewarded patents , in order to study the various behaviors of the academic field , before with statistical analysis and then through an econometric work to find out if there are some structural breaks and differences in the tendencies because of the Act .

Il Bayh-Dole ha influenzato l'attività innovativa delle università? Evidenze empiriche da un campione di invenzioni premiate



The aim of this work is to examine the Bayh-Dole act’s influences on the innovative activity of universities , in particular on collaborations . This act made it much easier for universities to obtain patents from research funded by the federal government and may have provided academies with an incentive to develop their R&D activities . The act may have provided a stimulus to collaborate and fund university R&D projects , since the results would now be easier to patent . In this analysis I’ve used the R&D 100 database , based on rewarded patents , in order to study the various behaviors of the academic field , before with statistical analysis and then through an econometric work to find out if there are some structural breaks and differences in the tendencies because of the Act .
“Has the Bayh-Dole act influenced the innovative activity of universities ? Empirical evidence from a sample of breakthrough innovations”
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