ABSTRACT: Depression is a major disorder, where an individual completely lose himself. It might affect person’s ability as a social being. And in extreme state they might also even commit suicide. According to WHO, depression had drastically increased by three times during this recent pandemic situation of COVID 19, especially among young adults. There are numerous ways to treat depression. In our Review on literature we emphasise the role of Cognitive behavioural Therapy (CBT). This involves reflecting about the self, in terms of feelings, thoughts and Behaviours. Our review also explains the ABC model to understand the basics of the emotion cycle. We focus on young adults with depression, with randomized controlled trails for assessment of CBT in terms of their effectiveness on treatment for young adults with major depressive disorder MDD (Major Depressive disorder). It has been diagnosed through different neurological perspective with various Neuro Imaging tools and treatment scales for assessing the impact on the CBT treatment. Our Studies compare and correlate between depression with other associated morbidities and also other treatment effects and assessment between Indian population and among the Global population in terms of depression. We also identify the overall effectiveness of CBT treatment assessing pre and post intervention. From the statistical analysis, no significant differences in reduction of depression is seen, however Individual trials found CBT an effective treatment for adults with depression. Overall result shows that a better improvement in behavioural activation compared to other interventions. Thus, from our study collectively shows a considerable implication with respect to consolidation of the research findings among the clinical sample populations that are included.

Role of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Depression in Young Adults



ABSTRACT: Depression is a major disorder, where an individual completely lose himself. It might affect person’s ability as a social being. And in extreme state they might also even commit suicide. According to WHO, depression had drastically increased by three times during this recent pandemic situation of COVID 19, especially among young adults. There are numerous ways to treat depression. In our Review on literature we emphasise the role of Cognitive behavioural Therapy (CBT). This involves reflecting about the self, in terms of feelings, thoughts and Behaviours. Our review also explains the ABC model to understand the basics of the emotion cycle. We focus on young adults with depression, with randomized controlled trails for assessment of CBT in terms of their effectiveness on treatment for young adults with major depressive disorder MDD (Major Depressive disorder). It has been diagnosed through different neurological perspective with various Neuro Imaging tools and treatment scales for assessing the impact on the CBT treatment. Our Studies compare and correlate between depression with other associated morbidities and also other treatment effects and assessment between Indian population and among the Global population in terms of depression. We also identify the overall effectiveness of CBT treatment assessing pre and post intervention. From the statistical analysis, no significant differences in reduction of depression is seen, however Individual trials found CBT an effective treatment for adults with depression. Overall result shows that a better improvement in behavioural activation compared to other interventions. Thus, from our study collectively shows a considerable implication with respect to consolidation of the research findings among the clinical sample populations that are included.
Role of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Depression in Young Adults
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