The verb ndiej ‘feel’ is a polysemous perception verb that extends its meaning from the source domain (i.e. touch) to the other domains of perception (i.e. hearing, smell and taste). The present thesis analyses how such meaning extensions are coded in Albanian language. More precisely, it verifies whether these meaning extensions are based on grammatical or lexical differences. A particular focus has been also on the differentiation between the experiential situations that the polysemy of ndiej evokes. The analysis of such aspects follows a construction-grammar approach. Moreover, the process is based on the Albanian National Corpus, and several linguistic concepts such as animacy hierarchy, transitivity etc. The results show that the difference between the sensory meanings of the verb relies on the lexical differences. On the other hand, the difference between the activity and experience situations appears to be grammatical rather than lexical. Hence, there are different characteristics that can be attributed to the aforementioned semantic relations. Keywords: perception, polysemy, corpus, experience, constructions.
The verb ndiej ‘feel’ is a polysemous perception verb that extends its meaning from the source domain (i.e. touch) to the other domains of perception (i.e. hearing, smell and taste). The present thesis analyses how such meaning extensions are coded in Albanian language. More precisely, it verifies whether these meaning extensions are based on grammatical or lexical differences. A particular focus has been also on the differentiation between the experiential situations that the polysemy of ndiej evokes. The analysis of such aspects follows a construction-grammar approach. Moreover, the process is based on the Albanian National Corpus, and several linguistic concepts such as animacy hierarchy, transitivity etc. The results show that the difference between the sensory meanings of the verb relies on the lexical differences. On the other hand, the difference between the activity and experience situations appears to be grammatical rather than lexical. Hence, there are different characteristics that can be attributed to the aforementioned semantic relations. Keywords: perception, polysemy, corpus, experience, constructions.
The Perception Verb Ndiej: A Construction-Grammar Study on Sensorial Polysemy
The verb ndiej ‘feel’ is a polysemous perception verb that extends its meaning from the source domain (i.e. touch) to the other domains of perception (i.e. hearing, smell and taste). The present thesis analyses how such meaning extensions are coded in Albanian language. More precisely, it verifies whether these meaning extensions are based on grammatical or lexical differences. A particular focus has been also on the differentiation between the experiential situations that the polysemy of ndiej evokes. The analysis of such aspects follows a construction-grammar approach. Moreover, the process is based on the Albanian National Corpus, and several linguistic concepts such as animacy hierarchy, transitivity etc. The results show that the difference between the sensory meanings of the verb relies on the lexical differences. On the other hand, the difference between the activity and experience situations appears to be grammatical rather than lexical. Hence, there are different characteristics that can be attributed to the aforementioned semantic relations. Keywords: perception, polysemy, corpus, experience, constructions.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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