Background: Technological uncertainties, market uncertainty and high competitiveness are influencing high-tech start-ups behaviours in facing all the events that can unexpectedly occur while they perform marketing activities in their business environment. For this reason, agile methodologies are currently used to find optimal solutions in a short time. Furthermore, the aim of this study was to describe all the marketing activities carried out by high-tech start-ups to understand if the high-tech marketing approach can be used to model the agile one. Methods: To identify how high-tech start-ups’ marketing activities are executed, multiple case studies were conducted on start-ups producing high-tech products. Three start-ups – selected among the ones operating in Italy - have been interviewed and subsequently analysed by a cross-case comparison. Results: All the start-ups involved in this study take their decisions to fully satisfy customer’s needs. This process is carried out by adapting to customer’s characteristics and market changes. Nevertheless, this adaptation does not represent a driver to perform all the marketing decisions. Conclusion: An agile approach applied to marketing activities shows positive effects because its flexibility and adaptation together with the advantages obtained from customers’ feedbacks permit to quickly find solutions, despite the dynamism and the uncertainties of high-tech markets. However not all the start-ups can rely on this approach because sometimes they count on limited resources. For future researches, further studies are needed to have a global vision of the overall variables that can influence start-ups in their decision-making process. Keywords: Adaptation, Agile, High-Tech, Marketing, Start-up.
Background: Le incertezze tecnologiche, l’incertezza del mercato e l’elevata competitività stanno influenzando i comportamenti delle start-ups high-tech nell’affrontare tutti gli eventi che si verificano inaspettatamente mentre svolgono le attività di marketing nel loro contesto operativo. Per questa ragione, le metodologie agile sono attualmente utilizzate per trovare soluzioni ottimali in poco tempo. Inoltre, lo scopo di questo studio era quello di descrivere tutte le attività di marketing svolte da start-ups high-tech per capire se l’approccio di high-tech marketing può essere usato per modellare quello agile. Metodi: Per identificare come vengono svolte le attività di marketing delle start-ups high-tech, sono stati condotti multiple case studies su start-ups che offrono prodotti high-tech. Tre start-ups – selezionate tra quelle operanti in Italia – sono state intervistate e successivamente analizzate con una cross-case comparison. Risultati: Tutte le start-ups coinvolte in questo studio adottano le loro decisioni per soddisfare pienamente i bisogni del consumatore. Questo processo è implementato attraverso l’adattamento alle caratteristiche del cliente e ai cambiamenti del mercato. Tuttavia, questo adattamento non rappresenta il fattore che guida tutte le decisioni di marketing. Conclusioni: Un approccio agile applicato alle attività marketing mostra effetti positivi perché la flessibilità e l’adattamento che lo caratterizzano, insieme ai vantaggi ottenuti attraverso i feedbacks dei consumatori permettono di trovare soluzioni rapide, nonostante il dinamismo e l’incertezza dei mercati high-tech. Tuttavia non tutte le start-ups possono fare affidamento su questo approccio perche a volte dispongono di risorse limitate. Per ricerche future, ulteriori studi sono necessary per avere una visione globale delle variabili che possono influenzare il processo decisionale delle start-ups. Parole chiave: Adattamento, Agile, High-Tech, Marketing, Start-up.
Modelling Agile marketing on High-tech marketing: Multiple case studies
Background: Technological uncertainties, market uncertainty and high competitiveness are influencing high-tech start-ups behaviours in facing all the events that can unexpectedly occur while they perform marketing activities in their business environment. For this reason, agile methodologies are currently used to find optimal solutions in a short time. Furthermore, the aim of this study was to describe all the marketing activities carried out by high-tech start-ups to understand if the high-tech marketing approach can be used to model the agile one. Methods: To identify how high-tech start-ups’ marketing activities are executed, multiple case studies were conducted on start-ups producing high-tech products. Three start-ups – selected among the ones operating in Italy - have been interviewed and subsequently analysed by a cross-case comparison. Results: All the start-ups involved in this study take their decisions to fully satisfy customer’s needs. This process is carried out by adapting to customer’s characteristics and market changes. Nevertheless, this adaptation does not represent a driver to perform all the marketing decisions. Conclusion: An agile approach applied to marketing activities shows positive effects because its flexibility and adaptation together with the advantages obtained from customers’ feedbacks permit to quickly find solutions, despite the dynamism and the uncertainties of high-tech markets. However not all the start-ups can rely on this approach because sometimes they count on limited resources. For future researches, further studies are needed to have a global vision of the overall variables that can influence start-ups in their decision-making process. Keywords: Adaptation, Agile, High-Tech, Marketing, Start-up.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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