The quantitative and qualitative evaluation of psychological well-being in relation to positive functioning in the school context highlights the need to codify conceptual and methodological applications. The purpose of this study is to propose the Italian version of the Stirling Children's Well-being Scale by Liddle I. and Carter G.. The SCWBS is a self-assessment questionnaire consisting of 15 items, of which 6 refer to the positive emotional state, 6, concerning the positive future perspective and the remaining 3 items concern social desirability. This was translated and administered to a sample of 1263 students aged between 8 and 13. In addition, the Study Approach Questionnaire (QAS) was also administered, soon from the AMOS 8-15 battery. The following were calculated: reliability, correlations between the scales, average scores and differences based on variables such as: age, gender, groups of students with atypical development (SLD, SEN, foreign mother tongue, intellectual disabilities), and class attended. The results show a decrease in psychological well-being directly proportional to age. There were no significant differences in psychological well-being between the group of students with typical and atypical development. With reference to the study approach, on the other hand, significant worsening directly proportional with increasing age are observed regarding the emotional-motivational component of the study and planning-self-regulation.
La valutazione di tipo quantitativo e qualitativo del benessere psicologico in relazione al funzionamento positivo nel contesto scolastico evidenzia la necessita di codificare applicazioni concettuali e metodologiche. Lo scopo di questo studio è di proporre la versione italiana della Stirling Children’s Well-being Scale di Liddle I. e Carter G.. Il SCWBS è un questionario di tipo autovalutativo costituito da 15 item, di cui 6, si riferiscono allo stato emotivo positivo, 6, inerenti la prospettiva futura positiva e gli restanti 3 item riguardano da desiderabilità sociale. Questo è stato tradotto e somministrato ad un campione di 1263 studenti di età tra gli 8 e i 13 anni. Inoltre, è stato somministrato anche il Questionario sull’Approccio allo Studio (QAS), presto dalla batteria AMOS 8-15. Sono stati calcolati: attendibilità, correlazioni tra le scale, punteggi medi e le differenze in base a variabili quali: età, genere sessuale, gruppi di studenti con sviluppo atipico (DSA, BES, Lingua madre straniera, disabilità intellettive), e classe frequentata. I risultati mostrano una diminuzione del benessere psicologico direttamente proporzionale con l’età. Non sono emerse differenze significative circa il benessere psicologico tra il gruppo di studenti con sviluppo tipico e atipico. Riferito all’approccio allo studio, invece, si rilevano peggioramenti significativi direttamente proporzionali con l’aumentare dell’età circa la componente emotiva-motivazionale dello studio e di pianificazione-autoregolazione.
IL BENESSERE PSICOLOGICO NEL CONTESTO SCOLASTICO Il rapporto tra il benessere e le abilità di studio: uno studio italiano
The quantitative and qualitative evaluation of psychological well-being in relation to positive functioning in the school context highlights the need to codify conceptual and methodological applications. The purpose of this study is to propose the Italian version of the Stirling Children's Well-being Scale by Liddle I. and Carter G.. The SCWBS is a self-assessment questionnaire consisting of 15 items, of which 6 refer to the positive emotional state, 6, concerning the positive future perspective and the remaining 3 items concern social desirability. This was translated and administered to a sample of 1263 students aged between 8 and 13. In addition, the Study Approach Questionnaire (QAS) was also administered, soon from the AMOS 8-15 battery. The following were calculated: reliability, correlations between the scales, average scores and differences based on variables such as: age, gender, groups of students with atypical development (SLD, SEN, foreign mother tongue, intellectual disabilities), and class attended. The results show a decrease in psychological well-being directly proportional to age. There were no significant differences in psychological well-being between the group of students with typical and atypical development. With reference to the study approach, on the other hand, significant worsening directly proportional with increasing age are observed regarding the emotional-motivational component of the study and planning-self-regulation.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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