Regardless of its musical dimensions, Italian rap music is both a cultural and a linguistic phenomenon which depends on diatopic and diastratic variation. Thanks to an empirical analysis, this thesis looks at the productions of Italian rap artists trying to find and define the way sociolinguistics and the language of rap are linked. Furthermore, emphasis is placed on the lexical features of the most frequently used words. The presentation of a theoretical framework is followed by a detailed description of the steps involved in creating a specialized linguistic corpus. According to the aim of this research, several emblematic lyrics are analysed end it is provided a heatmap of the most relevant geographically-related lexical differences.
Il rap italiano si configura, prescindendo dalla dimensione musicale, quale fenomeno culturale e linguistico strettamente dipendente da fattori diatopici e diastratici. La ricerca presentata in questa tesi analizza, per mezzo di un’indagine empirica, le produzioni degli artisti del genere rap in lingua italiana, interrogandosi circa la possibile esistenza di un legame tra sociolinguistica e linguaggio rap. Inoltre, l’accento verrà posto sulla dimensione lessicale che caratterizza il materiale testuale analizzato. In seguito alla presentazione di un quadro teorico di riferimento, vengono dettagliatamente illustrate le procedure messe in atto per la creazione di un corpus linguistico specialistico. Seguono l’analisi di testi che, per contenuto e tipologia, sono ritenuti emblematici e, a conclusione dell’indagine, la mappatura, su base geografica, delle principali differenze nel linguaggio utilizzato.
Il rap italiano: analisi lessicale e sociolionguistica
Regardless of its musical dimensions, Italian rap music is both a cultural and a linguistic phenomenon which depends on diatopic and diastratic variation. Thanks to an empirical analysis, this thesis looks at the productions of Italian rap artists trying to find and define the way sociolinguistics and the language of rap are linked. Furthermore, emphasis is placed on the lexical features of the most frequently used words. The presentation of a theoretical framework is followed by a detailed description of the steps involved in creating a specialized linguistic corpus. According to the aim of this research, several emblematic lyrics are analysed end it is provided a heatmap of the most relevant geographically-related lexical differences.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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