The present work has the objective to analyze the pros and cons of the single European currency and to study the consequences of a possible return to the lira in Italy. The first chapter focuses on the path of European integration after World War II up to monetary union. The second chapter deals with the comparison between costs and benefits of a currency area, and the identification of requirements that would make this area ideal for a single currency. Once established these requirements, they are compared with the actual condition of the Euro Area. The third chapter summarizes the measures that have been taken by the European Commission to correct discrepancies and malfunctions of monetary integration that emerged after the financial crisis of 2007. Then it is evaluated if they have had the desired effects, and there is shown a number of possible measures that would benefit the stability of the Eurozone. The fourth chapter analyzes what would be the consequences of lira return, with a list of arguments for and against this measure by various scholars and economists. The fifth chapter, in the end, leaves the economic sphere to focus on a political consideration: the more European institutions block the growth of weaker member states with austerity policies, the greater will be the temptation for them to believe that "exit from Eurozone is better". In fact, in this case, they wouldn't perceive a real cooperation from leaders of the monetary union. This would lead to the collapse before the entire European financial market, then the quality of relations between European countries. If, however, the European institutions decide for greater political integration, ie if they choose the way of the "European Federalism", which would imply sharing the costs of a monetary union, it's more likely that the discontent of weaker member states does not lead to extreme decisions.
Il presente lavoro si pone come scopo quello di analizzare i pro e i contro della moneta unica europea e di studiare le conseguenze di un possibile ritorno alla lira. Il primo capitolo si concentra sul percorso dell'integrazione europea a partire dal secondo dopoguerra fino all'unione monetaria. Il secondo capitolo riguarda il confronto tra costi e benefici di un'area valutaria, e l'individuazione dei requisiti che renderebbero tale area ottimale per una moneta unica. Una volta stabiliti tali requisiti teorici, vengono messi a confronto con la reale condizione dell'Area Euro. Nel terzo capitolo si riassumono i provvedimenti che sono stati presi dalla Commissione Europea per correggere le divergenze e i malfunzionamenti dell'integrazione monetaria e viene valutato se essi hanno avuto gli effetti desiderati. Segue una serie di possibili provvedimenti che gioverebbero alla stabilità dell'Eurozona. Il quarto capitolo, entra nel merito delle conseguenze di un ritorno alla lira, con un elenco di tesi favorevoli e contrarie a tale provvedimento da parte di vari studiosi e economisti. Il quinto capitolo, quello conclusivo, abbandona l'ambito economico per concentrarsi su una considerazione politica: più le istituzioni europee soffocano la crescita dei paesi membri in difficoltà con politiche di austerity, più sarà grande la tentazione di credere alla tesi che "uscire dall'euro è meglio", in quanto non si percepisce una reale volontà di aiuto e cooperazione da parte dei vertici dell'unione monetaria. Questo porterebbe al crollo prima dell'intero mercato finanziario europeo, poi della qualità delle relazioni tra paesi europei. Se, invece, le istituzioni europee decidessero per una maggiore integrazione politica, vale a dire se scegliessero la via del "Federalismo Europeo", che permetterebbe di condividere i costi di un'unione monetaria, ci sarebbero più speranze che il malcontento dei paesi "deboli" dell'Area Euro non sfoci in decisioni estreme.
Dalla crisi economica all'euroscetticismo.
The present work has the objective to analyze the pros and cons of the single European currency and to study the consequences of a possible return to the lira in Italy. The first chapter focuses on the path of European integration after World War II up to monetary union. The second chapter deals with the comparison between costs and benefits of a currency area, and the identification of requirements that would make this area ideal for a single currency. Once established these requirements, they are compared with the actual condition of the Euro Area. The third chapter summarizes the measures that have been taken by the European Commission to correct discrepancies and malfunctions of monetary integration that emerged after the financial crisis of 2007. Then it is evaluated if they have had the desired effects, and there is shown a number of possible measures that would benefit the stability of the Eurozone. The fourth chapter analyzes what would be the consequences of lira return, with a list of arguments for and against this measure by various scholars and economists. The fifth chapter, in the end, leaves the economic sphere to focus on a political consideration: the more European institutions block the growth of weaker member states with austerity policies, the greater will be the temptation for them to believe that "exit from Eurozone is better". In fact, in this case, they wouldn't perceive a real cooperation from leaders of the monetary union. This would lead to the collapse before the entire European financial market, then the quality of relations between European countries. If, however, the European institutions decide for greater political integration, ie if they choose the way of the "European Federalism", which would imply sharing the costs of a monetary union, it's more likely that the discontent of weaker member states does not lead to extreme decisions.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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