ABSTRACT Title: “The Consumer behavior regarding the use of digital platforms during the first quarantine for Covid-19 in Lombardy, Italy, based on the Technology Acceptance Model” Date of the thesis and graduation session: April 12th, 2021 Master: Master in International Business and Entrepreneurship Author: Susan María Figueroa Barahona Adviser of the thesis: Professor Stefano Denicolai Keywords: Consumer, behavior, digital platform, first quarantine, Covid-19, Lombardy, Technology, Acceptance, Model. Purpose of the research: these research intents “To analyze the consumer behavior regarding the use of digital platforms during the first quarantine for Covid- 19 in Lombardy, Italy, based on the Technology Acceptance Model." Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding of the process of new technology adoption, notably social networks (SN), relying on a specific model, the technology acceptance model (TAM). Design/methodology/approach – The study applies a quantitative methodological approach by using a survey method. The data are collected from a sample of 150 university students. In order to test the proposed relationships, structural equation modelling was employed. Findings – The results of this empirical study demonstrate that SN are relatively easy to use, as respondents quickly become skillful at using these technologies, finding them quite flexible to interact with. In terms of their attitudes, respondents find SN fun to use and enjoy using them. Perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness impact on attitude towards SN. Attitude, in turn, impacts on behavioral intention to use SN. Thus, the authors confirm the explanatory power of TAM in the adoption of SN. Research limitations/implications– The study focuses on the parsimonious TAM model and its applicability to SN adoption. Another drawback pertains to the size of the sample. Practical implications– A lot remains to be done to maximise the use of SN within a firm’s context. For instance, a specific brand could target a specific group of users on Facebook and those potential customers who want to find detailed information about their products as services could bedirected to the firm’s official web site. Originality/value – The relevance of this study is set against a lack of consistent, detailed research on the factors influencing the adoption of SNs. Keywords Consumer behaviour, Social networks, Social networking sites, Technology acceptance model, Attitudes, Beliefs Paper type Research paper Design /methodology/approach: the study is an observational, descriptive, cross- sectional and retrospective with an analytical component. The Onion model research design was selected: an epistemology and positivist philosophy, a deductive approach based on Technology Acceptance Model, A Survey online (Self Administered Questionnaire) strategy was conducted to a sample of 71 participants living in Lombardy during the first quarantine for Covid 19; quantitative methodological approach. Primary Data are collected from a non-probability sampling, by a convenience sampling model. A descriptive hypothesis was tested and analyzed trough descriptive statistics and the Chi square test for association. Findings: The proposed hypothesis were statistically tested, and accepted, validating the TAM model regarding the use of digital platforms, in quarantine in Lombardy in an unprecedented situation of Covid 19 pandemic. This research confirms that the variables of the TAM are important determining factors for the acceptance, use and adoption of digital platforms and digital channels during the first quarantine and post quarantine period. The study shows a new profile in the consumer behavior of the survey respondents regarding the use of digital platform with a pattern of an OmniConsumer.
ABSTRACT Titolo: "Il comportamento del consumatore rispetto all'uso delle piattaforme digitali durante la prima quarantena per Covid-19 in Lombardia, Italia, basato sul Technology Acceptance Model" Data della tesi e sessione di laurea: 12 aprile 2021 Master: Master in International Business and Entrepreneurship Autore: Susan María Figueroa Barahona Consulente della tesi: Professore Stefano Denicolai Parole chiave: Consumatore, comportamento, piattaforma digitale, prima quarantena, Covid-19, Lombardia, Tecnologia, Accettazione, Modello. Scopo della ricerca: Questa ricerca intende "Analizzare il comportamento del consumatore riguardo all'uso delle piattaforme digitali durante la prima quarantena per il Covid- 19 in Lombardia, Italia, sulla base del Modello di Accettazione della Tecnologia." Abstract Scopo - Lo scopo di questo articolo è quello di fornire una comprensione del processo di tecnologia, in particolare i social network (SN), basandosi su un modello specifico, il technology acceptance model (TAM). modello di accettazione della tecnologia (TAM). Disegno/metodologia/approccio - Lo studio applica un approccio metodologico quantitativo utilizzando un metodo di indagine. I dati sono raccolti da un campione di 150 studenti universitari. Al fine di testare le relazioni proposte, è stato impiegato il modello di equazione strutturale. Risultati - I risultati di questo studio empirico dimostrano che i SN sono relativamente facili da usare, poiché gli intervistati diventano rapidamente abili nell'uso di queste tecnologie, trovandole abbastanza flessibili per interagire con. In termini di atteggiamenti, gli intervistati trovano i SN divertenti da usare e si divertono ad usarli. La facilità percepita d'uso e l'utilità percepita hanno un impatto sull'attitudine verso i SN. L'attitudine, a sua volta, ha un impatto su sull'intenzione comportamentale di usare i SN. Così, gli autori confermano il potere esplicativo della TAM nell'adozione adozione di SN. Limiti/implicazioni della ricerca - Lo studio si concentra sul modello TAM parsimonioso e la sua applicabilità all'adozione di SN. Un altro inconveniente riguarda la dimensione del campione. Implicazioni pratiche - Molto resta da fare per massimizzare l'uso di SN nel contesto di un'azienda. Per esempio, un marchio specifico potrebbe rivolgersi ad un gruppo specifico di utenti su Facebook e a quei potenziali clienti che vogliono trovare informazioni dettagliate sui loro prodotti o servizi potrebbero essere indirizzati a sito web ufficiale dell'azienda. Originalità/valore - L'importanza di questo studio si confronta con la mancanza di una ricerca coerente e dettagliata sui fattori che influenzano l'adozione dei SN. Parole chiave Comportamento dei consumatori, Reti sociali, Siti di social networking, Modello di accettazione della tecnologia, Atteggiamenti, Credenze Tipo di documento Documento di ricerca Disegno/metodologia/approccio: lo studio è osservazionale, descrittivo, trasversale e retrospettivo con una componente analitica. E' stato scelto il disegno di ricerca modello Onion: epistemologia e filosofia positivista, approccio deduttivo basato sul Technology Acceptance Model, è stata condotta una strategia di Survey online ad un campione di 71 partecipanti residenti in Lombardia durante la prima quarantena per Covid 19; approccio metodologico quantitativo. I dati primari sono stati raccolti da un campionamento non probabilistico, attraverso un modello di campionamento di convenienza. Un'ipotesi descrittiva è stata testata e analizzata attraverso la statistica descrittiva e il test del Chi quadrato di associazione. Risultati: Le ipotesi proposte sono state testate statisticamente, e accettate, validando il modello TAM riguardante l'uso delle piattaforme digitali, in quarantena in Lombardia in una situazione senza precedenti di pandemia di Covid 19.
"Il comportamento dei consumatori riguardo all'uso delle piattaforme digitali durante la prima quarantena per Covid-19 in Lombardia, Italia, basato sul Technology Acceptance Model"
ABSTRACT Title: “The Consumer behavior regarding the use of digital platforms during the first quarantine for Covid-19 in Lombardy, Italy, based on the Technology Acceptance Model” Date of the thesis and graduation session: April 12th, 2021 Master: Master in International Business and Entrepreneurship Author: Susan María Figueroa Barahona Adviser of the thesis: Professor Stefano Denicolai Keywords: Consumer, behavior, digital platform, first quarantine, Covid-19, Lombardy, Technology, Acceptance, Model. Purpose of the research: these research intents “To analyze the consumer behavior regarding the use of digital platforms during the first quarantine for Covid- 19 in Lombardy, Italy, based on the Technology Acceptance Model." Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to provide an understanding of the process of new technology adoption, notably social networks (SN), relying on a specific model, the technology acceptance model (TAM). Design/methodology/approach – The study applies a quantitative methodological approach by using a survey method. The data are collected from a sample of 150 university students. In order to test the proposed relationships, structural equation modelling was employed. Findings – The results of this empirical study demonstrate that SN are relatively easy to use, as respondents quickly become skillful at using these technologies, finding them quite flexible to interact with. In terms of their attitudes, respondents find SN fun to use and enjoy using them. Perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness impact on attitude towards SN. Attitude, in turn, impacts on behavioral intention to use SN. Thus, the authors confirm the explanatory power of TAM in the adoption of SN. Research limitations/implications– The study focuses on the parsimonious TAM model and its applicability to SN adoption. Another drawback pertains to the size of the sample. Practical implications– A lot remains to be done to maximise the use of SN within a firm’s context. For instance, a specific brand could target a specific group of users on Facebook and those potential customers who want to find detailed information about their products as services could bedirected to the firm’s official web site. Originality/value – The relevance of this study is set against a lack of consistent, detailed research on the factors influencing the adoption of SNs. Keywords Consumer behaviour, Social networks, Social networking sites, Technology acceptance model, Attitudes, Beliefs Paper type Research paper Design /methodology/approach: the study is an observational, descriptive, cross- sectional and retrospective with an analytical component. The Onion model research design was selected: an epistemology and positivist philosophy, a deductive approach based on Technology Acceptance Model, A Survey online (Self Administered Questionnaire) strategy was conducted to a sample of 71 participants living in Lombardy during the first quarantine for Covid 19; quantitative methodological approach. Primary Data are collected from a non-probability sampling, by a convenience sampling model. A descriptive hypothesis was tested and analyzed trough descriptive statistics and the Chi square test for association. Findings: The proposed hypothesis were statistically tested, and accepted, validating the TAM model regarding the use of digital platforms, in quarantine in Lombardy in an unprecedented situation of Covid 19 pandemic. This research confirms that the variables of the TAM are important determining factors for the acceptance, use and adoption of digital platforms and digital channels during the first quarantine and post quarantine period. The study shows a new profile in the consumer behavior of the survey respondents regarding the use of digital platform with a pattern of an OmniConsumer.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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