The thesis, by acting in the field of lexical semantics, deals with the issue, debated as much as unresolved, of the variability of lexical meaning. Considering the centrality of the fact that words normally have different meanings in different contexts, the thesis tries to understand what we have to mean when we talk about the meaning of a lexical item, and thus it addresses issues like the distinction between polysemy and homonymy and the boundary between semantics and pragmatics. Considering the limitations of the various approaches that consider the different meanings of a word as reified in our mind, we have chosen to rely on the idea of "semantic potential". After comparing the theories of different authors based on this concept, a semantic analysis of occurrences of Italian names, verbs and adjectives taken from a corpus has carried out, which consists in identifying the various actual meanings and relationships between them. This analysis, in addition to providing interesting data on the semantic variability in Italian, made it possible to confirm the validity of the concept of semantic potential and to define it more precisely.
La tesi, muovendosi nell’ambito della semantica lessicale, affronta la questione, tanto discussa quanto ancora irrisolta, della variabilità del significato lessicale; ponendo al centro della discussione il fatto che le parole normalmente hanno diversi significati in diversi contesti, essa cerca di capire cosa si deve intendere per significato di un singolo elemento lessicale, e affronta problemi come la distinzione tra polisemia e omonimia o il confine tra semantica e pragmatica. Considerando i limiti dei vari approcci che considerano i diversi significati di una parola come reificati nella nostra mente, si è scelto di basarsi sull’idea di “potenziale semantico”. Dopo aver confrontato le teorie di diversi autori basate su tale concetto, si è effettuata un’analisi semantica di occorrenze di nomi, verbi e aggettivi dell’italiano tratte da un corpus, consistente nell’individuazione dei vari significati e dei rapporti tra essi. Tale analisi, oltre a fornire dati interessanti sulla variabilità semantica in italiano, ha permesso di confermare la validità del concetto di potenziale semantico e di definirlo in modo più preciso.
Il significato lessicale come potenziale semantico. Un' analisi di nomi, verbi e aggettivi dell’italiano contemporaneo
The thesis, by acting in the field of lexical semantics, deals with the issue, debated as much as unresolved, of the variability of lexical meaning. Considering the centrality of the fact that words normally have different meanings in different contexts, the thesis tries to understand what we have to mean when we talk about the meaning of a lexical item, and thus it addresses issues like the distinction between polysemy and homonymy and the boundary between semantics and pragmatics. Considering the limitations of the various approaches that consider the different meanings of a word as reified in our mind, we have chosen to rely on the idea of "semantic potential". After comparing the theories of different authors based on this concept, a semantic analysis of occurrences of Italian names, verbs and adjectives taken from a corpus has carried out, which consists in identifying the various actual meanings and relationships between them. This analysis, in addition to providing interesting data on the semantic variability in Italian, made it possible to confirm the validity of the concept of semantic potential and to define it more precisely.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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