My thesis concerns the use of grammatical gender with occupational titles in Italian. This topic has long been debated in the perspective of what should be said in order to avoid sexism in language and to offer an equal linguistic representation of both sexes and of their roles. Some linguists have also provided clear explanations of which are the right forms to be used, from a grammatical and social point of view. This topic has recently attracted the attention of the media and that of common speakers, and some nouns (especially feminine) that were not used, now seem to appear in common language. The aim of my research is to understand what is currently said, who says it, and in which context, so as to understand if there is any kind of variation in use and what does it depend on. I have opted for a sociolinguistic perspective and a quantitative approach. To collect data I have used a questionnaire which I have distributed through Google Moduli, on the Internet. To analyze the responses I have used the software SPSS. I have chosen 30 names of occupation, on the basis of morphological properties and extra-linguistic factors. The names differ in their ending suffixes (_o/_a; _tore/_trice; _iere/_iera; names that have the same form in the singular masculine and feminine) and regard both prestigious and modest professions that belong to different work fields. Some of these professions are traditionally held by men, while others are traditionally associated to women. The questionnaire was divided into five sections. The aim of the first and of the second part was to observe the use of these names in two different contexts: one was built to lead the responders to thinking about the role a person have, the other one to lead participants to thinking about a specific person. My hypothesis was that there could be a difference in use when speakers refer to a position in general or to a specific person. The third section was specifically about the process called “mozione”. I presented the chosen names in a masculine or feminine form and asked responders to choose an option for the opposite gender, or to add one if the given options were not satisfactory. The aim of this section was to understand the participants’ knowledge and use of the possibilities offered by Italian language (“sistema”) and the restrictions that tradition (“norma”) imposes on them. Through the fourth part of the questionnaire I tried to understand the attitude of the speakers towards this topic. I provided ten sentences and I asked participants to express their agreement or disagreement with them using a Likert scale. The data collected through this part of the questionnaire had to be compared with those that emerged from the previous sections, to get a deeper understanding of the real attitude of the responders. The purpose of the last part of the questionnaire was to obtain useful data about the speakers. I considered the traditional sociolinguistic variables: age, sex, geographic origin, current residence and social class (in terms of occupation and level of instruction of the responder). I also added a few questions about the knowledge of foreign languages. I collected this data in order to have the chance to observe whether there is any kind of variation that can be related to these social factors. Through this research I expect to identify the factors that affect the use of masculine and feminine in occupational titles, so as to reach a deeper understanding of the phenomenon I am studying.
La mia tesi riguarda l’uso del genere grammaticale nei nomi di professione in italiano. Questo argomento è stato a lungo discusso nei termini di cosa bisognerebbe dire per evitare un uso sessista e discriminatorio della lingua. In Italia, come in altri Paesi, sono state elaborate delle linee guida che forniscono indicazioni precise su quali siano le forme grammaticalmente corrette e socialmente raccomandabili da usare per riferirsi a donne e uomini e alla professione che svolgono. Recentemente il dibattito è uscito dall’ambito accademico e si è esteso ai media e alla comunità parlante, così che alcuni nomi (soprattutto femminili) prima inutilizzati, sembrano essere entrati nell’uso, anche se accompagnati da forte incertezza. L’obiettivo della mia ricerca è stabilire se al momento attuale si possa registrare una variazione negli usi, quali siano le varianti più utilizzate, da chi e in quali contesti. Ho quindi scelto di affrontare il tema in prospettiva sociolinguistica, e ho optato per un approccio quantitativo. Come strumento ho scelto un questionario, che ho distribuito via Internet. Per analizzare le risposte ho usato il software SPSS. Ho selezionato 30 nomi di professione, scegliendoli sulla base di criteri morfologici ed extra-linguistici. I nomi si distinguono per la desinenza o il suffisso che presentano al maschile e al femminile (_o/ _a; _tore/_trice; _iere/_iera; nomi che al singolare hanno una forma unica per il maschile e per il femminile) e si riferiscono sia a professioni di alto prestigio sia a professioni più modeste, riconducibili a diversi ambiti occupazionali. Alcune di queste professioni sono tradizionalmente di pertinenza maschile, mentre altre sono tradizionalmente di pertinenza femminile. Il questionario era diviso in cinque sezioni. Le prime due erano finalizzate a comprendere l’uso di questi nomi in contesto: sono stati forniti due contesti diversi, il primo ideato per portare i rispondenti a pensare al ruolo ricoperto dalla persona e alla sua classe professionale di appartenenza, il secondo per fare in modo che i rispondenti si concentrassero sulla persona specifica. La mia ipotesi è che ci possa essere un diverso uso del maschile o del femminile a seconda che ci si concentri sul ruolo o su un individuo specifico. Lo scopo della terza parte era osservare l’applicazione del processo di mozione e la dinamica tra conoscenza del sistema (possibilità offerte dalla lingua italiana) e influenza della norma (tradizione). In questa sezione i nomi erano presentati in elenco, al maschile o al femminile, e ai rispondenti era chiesto di individuare la forma del genere opposto scegliendo tra alcune opzioni o aggiungendone se quelle proposte non erano ritenute soddisfacenti. Con la quarta parte mi sono proposta di capire l’atteggiamento dei parlanti nei confronti della questione in esame. Ho fornito dieci affermazioni chiedendo ai rispondenti di esprimere il proprio grado di accordo o disaccordo tramite una scala Likert. I risultati ottenuti in questa parte erano da confrontare con le risposte date nelle sezioni precedenti, in modo da avere un quadro più accurato dell’atteggiamento dei rispondenti. La quinta e ultima parte era finalizzata alla raccolta di informazioni personali sui rispondenti. Mi sono concentrata sull’età, il sesso, la provenienza, la residenza e la classe sociale (in termini di occupazione e livello di istruzione), aggiungendo alcune domande sulle lingue straniere conosciute. I dati richiesti sono relativi alle variabili tradizionalmente considerate nelle ricerche sociolinguistiche. Lo scopo, infatti, era osservare se, posto che esista una variazione negli usi, questa possa essere collegata a variabili sociali. Con questa ricerca mi aspetto di capire quali siano i fattori che incidono sull’uso del maschile e del femminile nei nomi di professione, e di raggiungere quindi una comprensione più profonda del fenomeno in esame.
My thesis concerns the use of grammatical gender with occupational titles in Italian. This topic has long been debated in the perspective of what should be said in order to avoid sexism in language and to offer an equal linguistic representation of both sexes and of their roles. Some linguists have also provided clear explanations of which are the right forms to be used, from a grammatical and social point of view. This topic has recently attracted the attention of the media and that of common speakers, and some nouns (especially feminine) that were not used, now seem to appear in common language. The aim of my research is to understand what is currently said, who says it, and in which context, so as to understand if there is any kind of variation in use and what does it depend on. I have opted for a sociolinguistic perspective and a quantitative approach. To collect data I have used a questionnaire which I have distributed through Google Moduli, on the Internet. To analyze the responses I have used the software SPSS. I have chosen 30 names of occupation, on the basis of morphological properties and extra-linguistic factors. The names differ in their ending suffixes (_o/_a; _tore/_trice; _iere/_iera; names that have the same form in the singular masculine and feminine) and regard both prestigious and modest professions that belong to different work fields. Some of these professions are traditionally held by men, while others are traditionally associated to women. The questionnaire was divided into five sections. The aim of the first and of the second part was to observe the use of these names in two different contexts: one was built to lead the responders to thinking about the role a person have, the other one to lead participants to thinking about a specific person. My hypothesis was that there could be a difference in use when speakers refer to a position in general or to a specific person. The third section was specifically about the process called “mozione”. I presented the chosen names in a masculine or feminine form and asked responders to choose an option for the opposite gender, or to add one if the given options were not satisfactory. The aim of this section was to understand the participants’ knowledge and use of the possibilities offered by Italian language (“sistema”) and the restrictions that tradition (“norma”) imposes on them. Through the fourth part of the questionnaire I tried to understand the attitude of the speakers towards this topic. I provided ten sentences and I asked participants to express their agreement or disagreement with them using a Likert scale. The data collected through this part of the questionnaire had to be compared with those that emerged from the previous sections, to get a deeper understanding of the real attitude of the responders. The purpose of the last part of the questionnaire was to obtain useful data about the speakers. I considered the traditional sociolinguistic variables: age, sex, geographic origin, current residence and social class (in terms of occupation and level of instruction of the responder). I also added a few questions about the knowledge of foreign languages. I collected this data in order to have the chance to observe whether there is any kind of variation that can be related to these social factors. Through this research I expect to identify the factors that affect the use of masculine and feminine in occupational titles, so as to reach a deeper understanding of the phenomenon I am studying.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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