In the modern world, the acts of terrorist attack significantly impact many aspects of our societies. The world will never forget the horror attack in Paris on November 2015 which killed 130 people, the badly hit on France National Independence Day in Nice and many other attacks occurred in the whole Europe. These attacks, for sure, reshape peoples perception to that destination; in terms of tourists and students, The thesis aim is to explore how the recent terrorist attacks in Europe affect to the short-terms students mobilities participating on the Erasmus+ program in France.

In the modern world, the acts of terrorist attack significantly impact many aspects of our societies. The world will never forget the horror attack in Paris on November 2015 which killed 130 people, the badly hit on France National Independence Day in Nice and many other attacks occurred in the whole Europe. These attacks, for sure, reshape peoples perception to that destination; in terms of tourists and students, The thesis aim is to explore how the recent terrorist attacks in Europe affect to the short-terms students mobilities participating on the Erasmus+ program in France.

Data Drivens and Preferences of Erasmus students mobility: the case of France



In the modern world, the acts of terrorist attack significantly impact many aspects of our societies. The world will never forget the horror attack in Paris on November 2015 which killed 130 people, the badly hit on France National Independence Day in Nice and many other attacks occurred in the whole Europe. These attacks, for sure, reshape peoples perception to that destination; in terms of tourists and students, The thesis aim is to explore how the recent terrorist attacks in Europe affect to the short-terms students mobilities participating on the Erasmus+ program in France.
Erasmus+ Mobility: Data Drivens and Preferences of EU students
In the modern world, the acts of terrorist attack significantly impact many aspects of our societies. The world will never forget the horror attack in Paris on November 2015 which killed 130 people, the badly hit on France National Independence Day in Nice and many other attacks occurred in the whole Europe. These attacks, for sure, reshape peoples perception to that destination; in terms of tourists and students, The thesis aim is to explore how the recent terrorist attacks in Europe affect to the short-terms students mobilities participating on the Erasmus+ program in France.
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