Nowadays, worldwide markets are experiencing radical shift towards the era of digital products and services. The companies are operating in the environment of rapid technology evolution, continuous changes of customer needs, digitization and fast growing competition, that lead to radical and disruptive innovation. In these pressing conditions, the businesses are conditioned to become faster, more flexible and responsive to ever-changing requirements. Consumers expect products and services to become instantly available in the market and then continuously upgraded, in order to meet their sky high expectations. The competition is getting fiercer every day with digital natives flourishing in the global markets. In these market conditions, the traditional approaches to project management and product development cannot be any more so effective and reliable, as they were over the last decades. New methodologies and techniques, such as agile approach, are needed in order to accelerate the speed of development and respond shortly to rapidly growing demand. Indeed, agile approach has evolved as the response to traditional waterfall methods, having challenged a lot of conventional ideas of project management. At its core, agile is focused on fast delivery of business value through short iterative cycles of development, strong collaboration of self-managing teams and high proximity to customer. It emphasizes group work, small incremental deliveries of product and flexibility of the entire process, rather than individual initiative, totally predefined requirements and rigid staged processes, as in waterfall approach. Since 2001 this new approach has gained a great popularity and proved the success for companies all around the globe. This nascent discipline was initially born for single individual projects and small companies, but its popularity has rapidly grown also among large scale enterprises. Indeed, start-ups and medium sized companies find it easy to adopt novel agile practices, based on their flexibility and organisational lightness. In contrast, large enterprises, with their heavy organisational structures and extremely low maneuverability, are striving to implement agile approach in order to become faster and more innovative. Although, there are significant challenges on a way to adopt agile practices, the potential benefits for big enterprises are highly promising. A handful of approaches have been invented over the last decade for scaling agile practices in large enterprises. However, the theoretical analysis provides that there is still no all-inclusive model, that may provide 360-degree view on solutions for agile adoption at large scale. Therefore, this thesis aims at profound literature review, along with empirical use case analysis, in order to define the framework for agile transformation in large enterprises.
Oggigiorno, i mercati mondiali stanno vivendo un cambiamento radicale verso l'era dei prodotti e servizi digitali. Le aziende operano in un ambiente a rapida evoluzione tecnologica, con continui cambiamenti delle esigenze dei clienti, della digitalizzazione e della concorrenza in rapida crescita, i quali portano a un'innovazione radicale e dirompente. In queste pressanti condizioni, le aziende sono obbligate a diventare più veloci, più flessibili e reattive a requisiti in continua evoluzione. I clienti si aspettano che prodotti e servizi diventino immediatamente disponibili sul mercato e che siano continuamente aggiornati, al fine di soddisfare le loro alte aspettative. La competizione si fa ogni giorno più feroce con le aziende già nate con approccio digitale che prosperano globalmente. In queste condizioni di mercato, gli approcci tradizionali alla gestione dei progetti e allo sviluppo del prodotto non possono essere più così efficaci e affidabili, come lo erano negli ultimi decenni. Nuove metodologie e tecniche, come l'approccio agile, sono necessarie per accelerare la velocità di sviluppo e rispondere in tempi rapidi alla domanda in rapida crescita. In effetti, l'approccio agile si è evoluto come risposta ai metodi tradizionali a cascata, avendo sfidato molte idee convenzionali di gestione dei progetti. Fondamentalmente il modello agile si concentra sulla consegna rapida del valore del business attraverso brevi cicli iterativi di sviluppo, forte collaborazione di team autogestiti e grande vicinanza al cliente. Enfatizza il lavoro di gruppo, le piccole consegne incrementali di prodotto e la flessibilità dell'intero processo, piuttosto che l'iniziativa individuale, i requisiti totalmente predefiniti e i processi di gestione rigidi, come nell'approccio a cascata. Dal 2001 questo nuovo approccio ha acquisito una grande popolarità e ha dimostrato il successo per le aziende di tutto il mondo. Questa recente disciplina nasce inizialmente per singoli progetti individuali e piccole imprese, ma la sua popolarità è cresciuta rapidamente anche tra le grandi imprese. Infatti, le start-up e le aziende di medie dimensioni trovano facile adottare nuove pratiche agili, basate sulla loro flessibilità e leggerezza organizzativa. Al contrario, le grandi imprese, con le loro strutture organizzative pesanti e la manovrabilità estremamente limitata, stanno cercando di attuare un approccio agile per diventare più veloci e più innovativi. Sebbene ci siano sfide significative su un modo di adottare pratiche agili, i potenziali benefici per le grandi imprese sono molto promettenti. Negli ultimi dieci anni sono stati inventati alcuni approcci per ridimensionare le pratiche agili nelle grandi imprese. Tuttavia, l'analisi teorica prevede che non esista ancora un modello omnicomprensivo, che possa fornire una visione a 360 gradi delle soluzioni per l'adozione agile su larga scala. Pertanto, questa tesi mira a una profonda revisione della letteratura, insieme a un'analisi empirica dei casi d'uso, al fine di definire il quadro per una trasformazione agile nelle grandi imprese.
Agile for large scale transformations
Nowadays, worldwide markets are experiencing radical shift towards the era of digital products and services. The companies are operating in the environment of rapid technology evolution, continuous changes of customer needs, digitization and fast growing competition, that lead to radical and disruptive innovation. In these pressing conditions, the businesses are conditioned to become faster, more flexible and responsive to ever-changing requirements. Consumers expect products and services to become instantly available in the market and then continuously upgraded, in order to meet their sky high expectations. The competition is getting fiercer every day with digital natives flourishing in the global markets. In these market conditions, the traditional approaches to project management and product development cannot be any more so effective and reliable, as they were over the last decades. New methodologies and techniques, such as agile approach, are needed in order to accelerate the speed of development and respond shortly to rapidly growing demand. Indeed, agile approach has evolved as the response to traditional waterfall methods, having challenged a lot of conventional ideas of project management. At its core, agile is focused on fast delivery of business value through short iterative cycles of development, strong collaboration of self-managing teams and high proximity to customer. It emphasizes group work, small incremental deliveries of product and flexibility of the entire process, rather than individual initiative, totally predefined requirements and rigid staged processes, as in waterfall approach. Since 2001 this new approach has gained a great popularity and proved the success for companies all around the globe. This nascent discipline was initially born for single individual projects and small companies, but its popularity has rapidly grown also among large scale enterprises. Indeed, start-ups and medium sized companies find it easy to adopt novel agile practices, based on their flexibility and organisational lightness. In contrast, large enterprises, with their heavy organisational structures and extremely low maneuverability, are striving to implement agile approach in order to become faster and more innovative. Although, there are significant challenges on a way to adopt agile practices, the potential benefits for big enterprises are highly promising. A handful of approaches have been invented over the last decade for scaling agile practices in large enterprises. However, the theoretical analysis provides that there is still no all-inclusive model, that may provide 360-degree view on solutions for agile adoption at large scale. Therefore, this thesis aims at profound literature review, along with empirical use case analysis, in order to define the framework for agile transformation in large enterprises.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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