The aim of this thesis was to identify the main invasive alien plant species within the San Massimo Reservoir, Gropello Cairoli (PV), and to assess their impact on the biodiversity of native plants. Phytosociological relevés were carried out according to the Braun-Blanquet method in different habitats within the study area and subjected to different land uses. The data obtained were used for floristic analysis, specific biodiversity, and for computing an impact index derived from biological, biogeographical, synecological characteristics and invasive capacity of each alien species towards native vegetation. The obtained results allow us to differentiate invasiveness from impact of an alien species, since invasiveness is linked to impact, but does not necessarily coincide with it. Invasiveness of a species is quantified on the basis of abundance and distribution range, while impact is estimated as a reduction of biomass of native species. The assess of the impact index is a useful contribution to the risk assessment of an invasive alien species, and is therefore a useful conservation tool for protected areas.
Scopo di questa tesi è stato quello di individuare le principali specie vegetali aliene invasive presenti all’interno della Riserva San Massimo, situata a Gropello Cairoli (PV) e di valutarne l’impatto sulla biodiversità della componente vegetale autoctona. Sono stati quindi eseguiti rilievi fitosociologici secondo il metodo di Braun-Blanquet in diversi habitat presenti all’interno dell’area di studio, e sottoposti a differenti usi del suolo. I dati così ottenuti sono stati utilizzati per l’analisi floristica, della biodiversità specifica, e per il calcolo di un indice di impatto ricavato dalle caratteristiche biologiche, biogeografiche, sinecologiche e dalla capacità invasiva di ciascuna specie aliena nei confronti della vegetazione nativa. I risultati ottenuti permettono di differenziare invasività e impatto di una specie aliena, dal momento che sebbene l’invasività sia legata all’impatto, non necessariamente coincide con esso. In particolare, l’invasività di una specie viene quantificata sulla base dell’abbondanza e dell’ampiezza di distribuzione, mentre l’impatto viene valutato come riduzione della biomassa delle specie native. Il calcolo dell’indice di impatto rappresenta un contributo utile al processo di risk assessment di una specie aliena invasiva, e di conseguenza rappresenta uno strumento utile in ambito conservazionistico di aree protette.
Valutazione di impatto di specie aliene invasive nella Riserva San Massimo
The aim of this thesis was to identify the main invasive alien plant species within the San Massimo Reservoir, Gropello Cairoli (PV), and to assess their impact on the biodiversity of native plants. Phytosociological relevés were carried out according to the Braun-Blanquet method in different habitats within the study area and subjected to different land uses. The data obtained were used for floristic analysis, specific biodiversity, and for computing an impact index derived from biological, biogeographical, synecological characteristics and invasive capacity of each alien species towards native vegetation. The obtained results allow us to differentiate invasiveness from impact of an alien species, since invasiveness is linked to impact, but does not necessarily coincide with it. Invasiveness of a species is quantified on the basis of abundance and distribution range, while impact is estimated as a reduction of biomass of native species. The assess of the impact index is a useful contribution to the risk assessment of an invasive alien species, and is therefore a useful conservation tool for protected areas.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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