The goal of this thesis is to develop a method for automatically extracting the most severely damaged areas of a region hit by a natural disaster, within few hours after the event; this work has been developed during my internship in Ticinum Aerospace, a spin-off company of the University of Pavia that is specialized in Remote Sensing and related Big Data analysis. This is achieved through subtraction between two masks, that represent respectively buildings detected automatically before and after the catastrophe; in this way it is possible to create a final map of the collapsed buildings. Buildings masks are generated by a convolutional neural network applied to eight-band multispectral satellite data. Thanks to the final map of the collapsed buildings, it is possible to enable a prompt and targeted response of rescuers, that is very useful for saving people, especially in poorer areas. Indeed, in poorer countries, natural disasters inflict much more damage than in highly developed ones (due to poor material of which buildings are made) and cause many more victims (due to poor infrastructures and the presence of many illegal buildings). Furthermore, early building damage estimation makes it possible to issue a first rough estimation of the funds to be allocated in order to rebuild collapsed buildings. Therefore, with this method it is possible to speed up all the processes needed to rescue and give first aid to victims of a catastrophe. In the next section some basic theory is provided on deep learning and the neural network used in this work.
Estrazione del contorno di edifici in immagini satellitari multispettrali tramite reti convoluzionali di tipo U-Net. Lobiettivo di questa tesi è sviluppare un algoritmo che sia in grado di rilevare le aree maggiormente colpite a distanza di qualche ora dal verificarsi di un disastro naturale; questo lavoro è stato svolto durante il mio tirocinio in Ticinum Aerospace, una spin-off accademica dellUniversità degli Studi di Pavia specializzata in telerilevamento e nellanalisi dei dati ad esso associati. Lalgoritmo sviluppato si basa sulla sottrazione tra due maschere binarie, che rappresentano rispettivamente gli edifici rilevati prima e dopo la catastrofe; in questo modo è possibile creare una maschera finale che rappresenti gli edifici collassati a causa dellevento calamitoso. Le maschere degli edifici sono generate da una rete neurale convoluzionale applicata a dati satellitari ad otto bande, allenata per riconoscere e rilevare gli edifici presenti. Grazie alla mappa finale degli edifici collassati, è possibile inviare i soccorsi in maniera mirata e tempestiva; ciò risulta particolarmente utile nel caso di paesi poveri. In questi paesi, infatti, i disastri naturali causano molti più danni e molte più vittime rispetto a quanto accade nei paesi più sviluppati, a causa sia dei materiali scadenti con cui sono costruiti gli edifici che per colpa delle carenti infrastrutture, oltre alla presenza di moltissimi edifici illegali. Inoltre, una preliminare valutazione dei danni permette di stimare i fondi necessari per la ricostruzione. Grazie questo metodo è quindi possibile velocizzare tutti i processi necessari per salvare e dare un primo soccorso alle vittime di una catastrofe.
Building footprint extraction from multispectral spaceborne Earth Observation datasets using U-Net Convolutional Neural Networks
The goal of this thesis is to develop a method for automatically extracting the most severely damaged areas of a region hit by a natural disaster, within few hours after the event; this work has been developed during my internship in Ticinum Aerospace, a spin-off company of the University of Pavia that is specialized in Remote Sensing and related Big Data analysis. This is achieved through subtraction between two masks, that represent respectively buildings detected automatically before and after the catastrophe; in this way it is possible to create a final map of the collapsed buildings. Buildings masks are generated by a convolutional neural network applied to eight-band multispectral satellite data. Thanks to the final map of the collapsed buildings, it is possible to enable a prompt and targeted response of rescuers, that is very useful for saving people, especially in poorer areas. Indeed, in poorer countries, natural disasters inflict much more damage than in highly developed ones (due to poor material of which buildings are made) and cause many more victims (due to poor infrastructures and the presence of many illegal buildings). Furthermore, early building damage estimation makes it possible to issue a first rough estimation of the funds to be allocated in order to rebuild collapsed buildings. Therefore, with this method it is possible to speed up all the processes needed to rescue and give first aid to victims of a catastrophe. In the next section some basic theory is provided on deep learning and the neural network used in this work.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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