If in 2003 a time traveler had given an interview stating that within a few years someone would have bought land on a social network like Second Life and twenty years later $1.93 billion would have been spent buying virtual land and that between the influential "people" on the Net there would have been a digital automaton, I'm almost certain that anyone endowed with rationality would have thought of a joke or the plot of a new film by James Cameron. Yet, before 2023, Metaverse Group, a subsidiary of the Canadian investment company Tokens.com bought, for 1.8 million euros, 4.8 square meters in the Decentraland Fashion District; Paris Hilton has a private island on Roblox and organizes trips on her virtual yacht and Miquela Sousa, "aka" Lil Miquela, an influencer-robot in pixels, the result of complex computer images, has a following of over 2 8 million followers on Instagram and earns around 9 million pounds a year. And while the scenario of what could have been a successful sci-fi film in 2003 has come true, the researchers say that about 28% of the Italian population between 16 and 65 is unable to develop critical thinking and has difficulty understanding simple texts, such as assembly instructions for an object. The "sets" of this science fiction scenario that has materialized in the last 10 years are Social Media, one of all Instagram, the spearhead of the Meta Group, which in February 2023 had 1.28 billion monthly active users. Over time, Instagram has become a giant of communication and exchanges take place between users every day through this platform, not only of simple data, photographs and videos, but also of information and opinions. During the period of forced closure due to the directives to contrast Covid-19, Social Media have become even more important means of communication and strongly rooted in society, so much so that the 17th Censis Report on communication of October 2021 reports that 76.5 % of young Italians aged between 14 and 29 use Instagram on a daily basis. In a constantly evolving and constantly growing digital landscape, the interesting question at the basis of this research is what is the relationship between this rapid media evolution and society. If about 28% of the Italian population is unable to understand and interpret simple data, how can their approach to the continuous evolution of Social Media be? Does the rapid development of communication platforms such as Instagram lead to a rapid development of the cognitive process of its users or does a paradox arise whereby the users of the platform are unable to keep up with this rapid evolution? The purpose of this research is to try to answer these questions on the basis of a direct analysis of the Instagram platform and its users and relying on research texts and literature on the matter.
Se nel 2003 un viaggiatore del tempo avesse rilasciato un’intervista affermando che entro pochi anni qualcuno avrebbe comprato terreni su un social come Second Life e venti anni dopo sarebbero stati spesi 1,93 miliardi di dollari per l’acquisto di terreni virtuali e che tra le “persone” influenti in Rete ci sarebbe stata un’automa digitale, sono quasi certa che chiunque dotato di razionalità avrebbe pensato ad uno scherzo o alla trama di un nuovo film di James Cameron. Eppure, prima del 2023, Metaverse Group, una sussidiaria della società canadese di investimento Tokens.com ha comprato, per 1,8 milioni di euro, 4,8 metri quadrati nel Fashion District di Decentraland; Paris Hilton ha un’isola privata su Roblox e organizza gite sul suo yacht virtuale e Miquela Sousa, “in arte” Lil Miquela, un’influencer-robot in pixel, il risultato di immagini complesse elaborate al computer, ha un seguito di oltre 2,8 milioni di followers su Instagram e guadagna circa 9 milioni di sterline all’anno. E mentre lo scenario di quello che nel 2003 sarebbe potuto essere un film fantascientifico di successo, si è avverato, i ricercatori affermano che circa il 28% della popolazione italiana tra i 16 e i 65 anni non è in grado di sviluppare un pensiero critico e ha difficoltà nella comprensione di testi semplici, come ad esempio le istruzioni di montaggio di un oggetto. I “set” di questo scenario fantascientifico che si è materializzato negli ultimi 10 anni sono i Social Media, uno fra tutti Instagram, la punta di diamante del Gruppo Meta, che a febbraio 2023 conta 1,28 miliardi di utenti mensili attivi. Instagram nel tempo è diventato un colosso della comunicazione e ogni giorno attraverso questa piattaforma avvengono scambi fra gli utenti, non solo di dati semplici, fotografie e video, ma anche di informazioni ed opinioni. Durante il periodo di chiusura forzata per via delle direttive a contrasto del Covid-19 i Social Media sono diventati mezzi di comunicazione ancora più importanti e fortemente radicati nella società tanto che il 17° Rapporto Censis sulla comunicazione di ottobre 2021 riporta che il 76,5% dei giovani italiani di età compresa tra i 14 e i 29 anni usa quotidianamente Instagram. In un panorama digitale in continua evoluzione e crescita costante il quesito interessante alla base di questa ricerca è quale sia il rapporto tra questa rapida evoluzione mediatica e la società. Se circa il 28% della popolazione italiana non è in grado di comprendere ed interpretare dati semplici come può essere il suo approccio all’evoluzione continua dei Social Media? Lo sviluppo veloce delle piattaforme di comunicazione come Instagram porta ad un rapido sviluppo del processo cognitivo dei suoi utenti o si viene a creare un paradosso per cui l’utenza della piattaforma non è in grado di stare al passo con questa rapida evoluzione? Lo scopo di questa ricerca è provare a dare una risposta a questi quesiti sulla base di un’analisi diretta della piattaforma Instagram e della sua utenza e affidandosi a testi di ricerca e letteratura in merito.
If in 2003 a time traveler had given an interview stating that within a few years someone would have bought land on a social network like Second Life and twenty years later $1.93 billion would have been spent buying virtual land and that between the influential "people" on the Net there would have been a digital automaton, I'm almost certain that anyone endowed with rationality would have thought of a joke or the plot of a new film by James Cameron. Yet, before 2023, Metaverse Group, a subsidiary of the Canadian investment company Tokens.com bought, for 1.8 million euros, 4.8 square meters in the Decentraland Fashion District; Paris Hilton has a private island on Roblox and organizes trips on her virtual yacht and Miquela Sousa, "aka" Lil Miquela, an influencer-robot in pixels, the result of complex computer images, has a following of over 2 8 million followers on Instagram and earns around 9 million pounds a year. And while the scenario of what could have been a successful sci-fi film in 2003 has come true, the researchers say that about 28% of the Italian population between 16 and 65 is unable to develop critical thinking and has difficulty understanding simple texts, such as assembly instructions for an object. The "sets" of this science fiction scenario that has materialized in the last 10 years are Social Media, one of all Instagram, the spearhead of the Meta Group, which in February 2023 had 1.28 billion monthly active users. Over time, Instagram has become a giant of communication and exchanges take place between users every day through this platform, not only of simple data, photographs and videos, but also of information and opinions. During the period of forced closure due to the directives to contrast Covid-19, Social Media have become even more important means of communication and strongly rooted in society, so much so that the 17th Censis Report on communication of October 2021 reports that 76.5 % of young Italians aged between 14 and 29 use Instagram on a daily basis. In a constantly evolving and constantly growing digital landscape, the interesting question at the basis of this research is what is the relationship between this rapid media evolution and society. If about 28% of the Italian population is unable to understand and interpret simple data, how can their approach to the continuous evolution of Social Media be? Does the rapid development of communication platforms such as Instagram lead to a rapid development of the cognitive process of its users or does a paradox arise whereby the users of the platform are unable to keep up with this rapid evolution? The purpose of this research is to try to answer these questions on the basis of a direct analysis of the Instagram platform and its users and relying on research texts and literature on the matter.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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