The objective of this thesis is to analyse how users' choices are actually directed, conditioned and constrained through new digital technologies. The first chapter deals with the emergence of privacy and the right to privacy, analysing the different regulations developed and adopted in favour of their protection. The second chapter delves into the Data Protection Regulation 679/2016, known as GDPR, then examining its most significant parts. Finally, in the third and final chapter, there is an analysis of dark patterns, interfaces designed to prompt individuals to perform actions they would not otherwise have performed, with attached concrete examples of various websites or apps collected during normal browsing, and several case studies relating to the correlation between dark patterns and GDPR.
L’obiettivo di questo elaborato è analizzare come le scelte degli utenti vengono effettivamente orientate, condizionate e vincolate attraverso le nuove tecnologie digitali. Il primo capitolo riguarda la nascita della privacy e del diritto alla privacy, analizzando le diverse normative elaborate e adottate in favore della loro tutela. Il secondo capitolo approfondisce il Regolamento 679/2016 relativo alla protezione dei dati, noto come GDPR, esaminando poi le sue parti più significative. Infine, nel terzo e ultimo capitolo vi è un’analisi sui dark pattern, interfacce progettate per spingere gli individui a compiere azioni che altrimenti non avrebbero eseguito, con annessi esempi concreti di vari siti web o app raccolti durante una normale navigazione, e diversi casi di studio relativi alla correlazione tra dark pattern e GDPR.
Dark pattern: come le interfacce orientano le scelte degli utenti
The objective of this thesis is to analyse how users' choices are actually directed, conditioned and constrained through new digital technologies. The first chapter deals with the emergence of privacy and the right to privacy, analysing the different regulations developed and adopted in favour of their protection. The second chapter delves into the Data Protection Regulation 679/2016, known as GDPR, then examining its most significant parts. Finally, in the third and final chapter, there is an analysis of dark patterns, interfaces designed to prompt individuals to perform actions they would not otherwise have performed, with attached concrete examples of various websites or apps collected during normal browsing, and several case studies relating to the correlation between dark patterns and GDPR.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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