The thesis investigates the figure and the work of Philippe Jaccottet as a translator of twentieth-century Italian poetry. Undoubtedly one of the most significant living French-speaking poets and among the figures who contributed most to spreading, presenting and translating Italian literature in France in the 20th century, Jaccottet has cultivated throughout his life, and still cultivates, fruitful relationship with Italian culture, since his first trip to Italy, dating back to 1946, and his fundamental first encounter with Giuseppe Ungaretti. His translation activity has such relevance and breadth as to constitute a real "second work", just as his critical reflection on Italian literature is broad and thorough. Reflection that has found space in numerous essays and articles in important reviews such as the «Nouvelle Revue Française» and the «Nouvelle Revue de Lausanne». After a first part dedicated to providing some notes of translatology and an introduction on the biographical and literary experience of Jaccottet, the thesis deals with investigating, through a detailed analysis, some translations – produced by Jaccottet – of poetic texts by Giuseppe Ungaretti, Eugenio Montale, Luciano Erba, Attilio Bertolucci, Mario Luzi, Piero Bigongiari and Giovanni Raboni. In particular, the analysis is focused around some aspects: phonosymbolic, metric-rhythmic, syntactic, lexical. The most significant texts in relation to these aspects were therefore selected and compared to show how, from time to time, the translator Jaccottet acted in front of them. The examination of the genetic process of translations has allowed us to better understand the poet's choices and translation strategies on authors who are also deeply different from each other. The analysis showed in practice how the key concept of the reflection conducted on Jaccottet's translation activity is that of texte-traduction, according to the definition of Henri Meschonnic, which indicates a translation that can no longer be considered as a mere reproduction of the original text, but which acquires the characteristics of a poetic text tout court. The research conducted confirmed the depth of the interaction between Jaccottet and the translated Italian poets and highlighted the primary role assumed in his literary production by the translation activity (and by his deep interest in Italian literature). But the work also revealed a sharper focus on the importance of Jaccottet's intense criticism and translation activity for the spread of Italian poetry in France in the second half of the 20th century.
La tesi indaga la figura e l’opera di Philippe Jaccottet come traduttore della poesia italiana del XX secolo. Indubbiamente annoverabile tra i più significativi poeti in lingua francese viventi e tra le figure che maggiormente hanno contribuito a diffondere, presentare e tradurre la letteratura italiana in Francia nel XX secolo, Jaccottet per tutta la vita ha coltivato, e tutt’oggi coltiva, il suo fecondo rapporto con la cultura italiana, sin dal suo primo viaggio in Italia, risalente al 1946, e dal suo fondamentale primo incontro con Giuseppe Ungaretti. La sua attività traduttoria ha una rilevanza e un’ampiezza tale da costituire una vera e propria “opera seconda”, come ampia e approfondita è anche la sua riflessione critica sulla letteratura italiana. Riflessione che ha trovato spazio in numerosi saggi e articoli su importanti riviste come la «Nouvelle Revue Française» e la «Nouvelle Revue de Lausanne». Dopo una prima parte dedicata a fornire dei cenni di traduttologia e un’introduzione sull’esperienza biografica e letteraria di Jaccottet, la tesi si occupa di indagare, attraverso un’analisi puntuale, alcune traduzioni di Jaccottet condotte a partire da testi poetici di Giuseppe Ungaretti, Eugenio Montale, Luciano Erba, Attilio Bertolucci, Mario Luzi, Piero Bigongiari e Giovanni Raboni. Nello specifico, sono stati individuati alcuni aspetti (fonosimbolico, metrico-ritmico, sintattico, lessicale) attorno ai quali imperniare l’analisi. Sono stati dunque selezionati i testi più significativi in rapporto a questi aspetti e messi a confronto per far emergere come, di volta in volta, Jaccottet traduttore abbia agito di fronte ad essi. L’esame del processo genetico delle traduzioni ha consentito di comprendere più a fondo le scelte e le strategie traduttive del poeta su autori anche profondamente diversi tra di loro. L’analisi ha mostrato in concreto come il concetto cardine della riflessione condotta sull’attività traduttoria di Jaccottet sia quello di texte-traduction, secondo la definizione di Henri Meschonnic, che indica una traduzione non più considerabile come una mera riproduzione del testo originale, ma che acquisisce le caratteristiche di un testo poetico tout court. La ricerca condotta ha confermato la profondità dell’interazione tra Jaccottet e i poeti italiani tradotti e ha evidenziato il ruolo primario assunto nella sua produzione letteraria dall’attività traduttoria (e dal suo profondo interesse per la letteratura italiana). Ma dal lavoro è infine emersa anche una più nitida messa a fuoco dell’importanza dell’intensa attività di critica e traduzione di Jaccottet per la diffusione della poesia italiana in Francia nella seconda metà del XX secolo.
La figura e l’opera di Philippe Jaccottet come traduttore della poesia italiana del XX secolo
The thesis investigates the figure and the work of Philippe Jaccottet as a translator of twentieth-century Italian poetry. Undoubtedly one of the most significant living French-speaking poets and among the figures who contributed most to spreading, presenting and translating Italian literature in France in the 20th century, Jaccottet has cultivated throughout his life, and still cultivates, fruitful relationship with Italian culture, since his first trip to Italy, dating back to 1946, and his fundamental first encounter with Giuseppe Ungaretti. His translation activity has such relevance and breadth as to constitute a real "second work", just as his critical reflection on Italian literature is broad and thorough. Reflection that has found space in numerous essays and articles in important reviews such as the «Nouvelle Revue Française» and the «Nouvelle Revue de Lausanne». After a first part dedicated to providing some notes of translatology and an introduction on the biographical and literary experience of Jaccottet, the thesis deals with investigating, through a detailed analysis, some translations – produced by Jaccottet – of poetic texts by Giuseppe Ungaretti, Eugenio Montale, Luciano Erba, Attilio Bertolucci, Mario Luzi, Piero Bigongiari and Giovanni Raboni. In particular, the analysis is focused around some aspects: phonosymbolic, metric-rhythmic, syntactic, lexical. The most significant texts in relation to these aspects were therefore selected and compared to show how, from time to time, the translator Jaccottet acted in front of them. The examination of the genetic process of translations has allowed us to better understand the poet's choices and translation strategies on authors who are also deeply different from each other. The analysis showed in practice how the key concept of the reflection conducted on Jaccottet's translation activity is that of texte-traduction, according to the definition of Henri Meschonnic, which indicates a translation that can no longer be considered as a mere reproduction of the original text, but which acquires the characteristics of a poetic text tout court. The research conducted confirmed the depth of the interaction between Jaccottet and the translated Italian poets and highlighted the primary role assumed in his literary production by the translation activity (and by his deep interest in Italian literature). But the work also revealed a sharper focus on the importance of Jaccottet's intense criticism and translation activity for the spread of Italian poetry in France in the second half of the 20th century.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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