Obesity is characterized by deficits in risky decision-making, with preferences for immediate high rewards despite greater future losses. In normal-weight subjects, this behavior could be modulated by interoceptive ability. Since an alteration of interoceptive functions has been demonstrated in subjects suffering from obesity, it is possible that obese people take more risky decisions on the body. This study aims at investigating whether obesity incudes higher risk propensity in the presence of a biological stimulus (virtual body) compared to a non-biological stimulus (virtual balloon), and if greater body awareness is associated with a lower risk in the presence of bodily stimuli. In this regard, an experimental group of 40 obese subjects and a control group with 40 normal-weight subjects were compared, divided into 20 subjects per group each, so that one half of the normal-weight subjects and one of the obese subjects were adminstered with a Balloon Analogue Risk Task, in which they were asked to inflate a balloon, and to the rest the Body Analogue Risk Task, in which they are asked to inflate a virtual body. Furthermore, each subject was adminstered with a heartbeat detection task (HBD) and a questionnaire (MAIA), investigating the interoceptive abilities. The results showed that, although there were no significant differences between the experimental and the control group in the risk taking behaviour in the presence of biological and non-biological stimuli, the obese subjects took more time in decision-making only in the presence of a biological stimulus compared to control groups. Moreover, net of equal interoceptive abilities between normal-weight and obese subjects, we found in the subjects affected by obesity the same pattern previously described in the literature on young normal-weight subjects: the interoceptive sensitivity is predictive of the risk index only in presence of decisions on the body.
Lobesità è caratterizzata da deficit nel processo decisionale rischioso, con preferenze per lalta ricompensa immediata nonostante le maggiori perdite future. Nei soggetti normopeso, questo comportamento sembra essere modulato dallabilità interocettiva. Essendo stata dimostrata unalterazione delle funzioni interocettive in soggetti affetti da obesità, è possibile che questi ultimi prendano decisioni più rischiose sul corpo. Questo studio si è proposto di verificare se la propensione al rischio nellobesità è più elevata in presenza di uno stimolo biologico (corpo virtuale) rispetto alla presenza di stimoli non biologici (palloncino virtuale), e se una maggiore consapevolezza corporea è associata a un minor rischio in presenza di stimoli corporei. A questo proposito sono stati confrontati un gruppo sperimentale di 40 soggetti obesi e uno di controllo con 40 soggetti normopeso, suddivisi in 20 soggetti per gruppo ciascuno, cosicché a una metà dei soggetti sani e a una di quelli obesi fosse somministrato il Balloon Analogue Risk Task, in cui viene chiesto di gonfiare un palloncino, e ai restanti il Body Analogue Risk Task, in cui viene richiesto di gonfiare un corpo. Inoltre, ad ogni soggetto è stato somministrato un compito di rilevamento dei battiti cardiaci (HBD) e un questionario soggettivo (MAIA), indaganti la capacità interocettiva. I risultati hanno dimostrato che, nonostante non vi fossero differenze significative tra gruppo sperimentale e gruppo di controllo nella propensione al rischio in presenza di stimoli biologici e non biologici, i soggetti obesi impiegavano più tempo nella presa di decisione solo nel caso in cui era presente lo stimolo biologico rispetto al gruppo di controllo. Inoltre, al netto di uguali abilità interocettive tra normopeso e obesi, abbiamo ritrovato, nei soggetti affetti da obesità, lo stesso pattern precedentemente descritto in letteratura sui soggetti normopeso giovani: la sensibilità interocettiva è predittiva nellindice di rischio solo in presenza di decisioni sul corpo.
La propensione al rischio nell'obesità: come l'interocezione e gli stimoli corporei possono influenzare le scelte rischiose
Obesity is characterized by deficits in risky decision-making, with preferences for immediate high rewards despite greater future losses. In normal-weight subjects, this behavior could be modulated by interoceptive ability. Since an alteration of interoceptive functions has been demonstrated in subjects suffering from obesity, it is possible that obese people take more risky decisions on the body. This study aims at investigating whether obesity incudes higher risk propensity in the presence of a biological stimulus (virtual body) compared to a non-biological stimulus (virtual balloon), and if greater body awareness is associated with a lower risk in the presence of bodily stimuli. In this regard, an experimental group of 40 obese subjects and a control group with 40 normal-weight subjects were compared, divided into 20 subjects per group each, so that one half of the normal-weight subjects and one of the obese subjects were adminstered with a Balloon Analogue Risk Task, in which they were asked to inflate a balloon, and to the rest the Body Analogue Risk Task, in which they are asked to inflate a virtual body. Furthermore, each subject was adminstered with a heartbeat detection task (HBD) and a questionnaire (MAIA), investigating the interoceptive abilities. The results showed that, although there were no significant differences between the experimental and the control group in the risk taking behaviour in the presence of biological and non-biological stimuli, the obese subjects took more time in decision-making only in the presence of a biological stimulus compared to control groups. Moreover, net of equal interoceptive abilities between normal-weight and obese subjects, we found in the subjects affected by obesity the same pattern previously described in the literature on young normal-weight subjects: the interoceptive sensitivity is predictive of the risk index only in presence of decisions on the body.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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