The following thesis aims to be a valid study proposal on the protection profiles of minors in relation to their personal data in the digital space. Based on legal, social and technological aspects, the primary intent is to outline the regulatory evolution of the right to privacy, in order to obtain a contemporary background useful to understand the role of the GDPR Regulation (2016/679), especially regarding to the notion of consent and its implications in terms of capacity. These assumptions allow to delimit and deepen the relationship between Internet and minors: in relation to widespread online risks, their natural lack of awareness brings themselves to an inappropriate exposure, with consequent improper release of their personal data, putting one’s privacy at risk. On the other hand, there are constant regulatory efforts of the virtual environment in favor of minors, especially from the perspective of accountability and transparency of online service providers. The continuous comparison with the data protection discipline leads to investigate the issue of the capacity for digital consent in relation to information society services, with the opportunity to pay attention to the recent French proposal concerning the major digital age for the access to social networks. The discussion draws to a close by dealing with the complex relationship between the right to privacy of minor and parental responsibility, focusing mainly on the phenomenon of sharenting and the right of personal portrayal, consecutively considering the self-determination of the child for the construction of own identity. On the basis of these premises, minors are subjects in need of specific protection, aimed at promoting their primary interests.
La seguente tesi vuole essere una valida proposta di studio sui profili di tutela dei minori in riferimento alla protezione dei loro dati personali nello spazio digitale. Sulla base di aspetti giuridici, sociali e tecnologici, l’intento primario consiste nel delineare l’evoluzione normativa del diritto alla privacy, al fine di ottenere un background contemporaneo utile a comprendere il ruolo del Regolamento GDPR (2016/679), soprattutto in merito alla nozione di consenso e le implicazioni in termini di capacità. Tali presupposti permettono di circoscrivere e approfondire il rapporto tra Internet e minore: a fronte dei rischi diffusi in rete, la naturale mancanza di consapevolezza dei soggetti inferiori d’età li porta ad esporsi inadeguatamente, con il conseguente rilascio improprio dei loro dati personali che, dunque, ne mette a repentaglio la privacy. D’altro canto, viene evidenziato il costante impegno di regolamentazione dell’ambiente virtuale a favore dei minori, soprattutto in ottica di responsabilità e trasparenza dei provider di servizi online. Il continuo confronto con la disciplina della protezione dati conduce ad indagare il tema della capacità per consenso digitale nell’insieme dei servizi della società dell’informazione, con l’opportunità di porre attenzione alla recente proposta francese relativa alla maggiore età digitale per l’accesso ai social network. La trattazione volge al termine trattando il complesso rapporto tra diritto alla riservatezza del minore e responsabilità genitoriale, soffermandosi prevalentemente sul fenomeno dello sharenting e sul diritto all’immagine, con consecutive riflessioni in merito all’autodeterminazione del minore per la costruzione di una propria identità. Alla luce di tali premesse, i minori risultano soggetti che necessitano una specifica tutela, orientata alla promozione dei loro interessi primari.
Dalla protezione dei dati personali alla promozione del best interest del minore nell'era digitale
The following thesis aims to be a valid study proposal on the protection profiles of minors in relation to their personal data in the digital space. Based on legal, social and technological aspects, the primary intent is to outline the regulatory evolution of the right to privacy, in order to obtain a contemporary background useful to understand the role of the GDPR Regulation (2016/679), especially regarding to the notion of consent and its implications in terms of capacity. These assumptions allow to delimit and deepen the relationship between Internet and minors: in relation to widespread online risks, their natural lack of awareness brings themselves to an inappropriate exposure, with consequent improper release of their personal data, putting one’s privacy at risk. On the other hand, there are constant regulatory efforts of the virtual environment in favor of minors, especially from the perspective of accountability and transparency of online service providers. The continuous comparison with the data protection discipline leads to investigate the issue of the capacity for digital consent in relation to information society services, with the opportunity to pay attention to the recent French proposal concerning the major digital age for the access to social networks. The discussion draws to a close by dealing with the complex relationship between the right to privacy of minor and parental responsibility, focusing mainly on the phenomenon of sharenting and the right of personal portrayal, consecutively considering the self-determination of the child for the construction of own identity. On the basis of these premises, minors are subjects in need of specific protection, aimed at promoting their primary interests.È consentito all'utente scaricare e condividere i documenti disponibili a testo pieno in UNITESI UNIPV nel rispetto della licenza Creative Commons del tipo CC BY NC ND.
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